Azoospermia its Causes, diagnosis and Homeopathy Treatment
Azoospermia is the total absence of sperm in
the ejaculate. Depending on the cause of this absence of sperm, we
distinguish between obstructive or secretory azoospermia.
is azoospermia and how is it diagnosed?
Azoospermia is a sperm disorder
characterized by the total absence of sperm after ejaculation. In the
absence of sperm, a natural pregnancy will not be possible.
Approximately, azoospermia is
the cause of between 3% and 10% of male infertility cases.
Azoospermia is a disorder that
has no noticeable symptoms for men, so a spermogram must be performed
for its diagnosis. This test consists of collecting a sample of the
ejaculate after masturbation and with an abstinence period of 3-5
days. The semen sample obtained will be examined in the laboratory to
check, among other things, the concentration and mobility of the sperm .
The test result is compared to
the World Health Organization (WHO) reference valuesand a diagnosis will be
sperm in the ejaculate.
than 100,000 sperm / ml of ejaculate.
than 15 million / ml ejaculate.
altered seminal parameters. The seminal sample is within normality.
Another useful diagnostic test
for azoospermia is to determine the levels of the hormone FSH . This hormone is produced
by the brain and is responsible for spermatogenesis ( sperm formation) in the testes. If the FSH
values are high, it means a decrease
or absence of sperm stem cells. Additionally, testosterone and fructose levels can be tested for a more
accurate diagnosis.
Mainly, there are two reasons
why there may be no sperm in the ejaculate:
Secretory or
non-obstructive azoospermia
testes are not capable of producing sperm.
are produced, but cannot be expelled in the ejaculate due to an obstruction in
the vas deferens.
To determine the type of
azoospermia, it is necessary to perform a testicular biopsy . Another
way to establish the type of azoospermia is through a hormonal analysis . If
the levels of the hormones involved in spermatogenesis are altered, it will be
secretory azoospermia. However, this method is not as reliable as the
biopsy to know if there are sperm available for assisted reproduction treatment.
Secretory or non-obstructive
azoospermia is the most severe and frequent, and accounts for 70% of
azoospermia cases. This type of azoospermia can be congenital (from birth)
or acquired (due to disease or treatment with toxic drugs). Its most
common causes are the following:
· Anomalies of the descent
of the testicles .
· Exposure to toxic
substances : drugs, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
· Genetic factors such as alterations in genes related to spermatogenesis.
· Hormonal alterations , such as hyponadotropic hypogonadism (deficiency of the
hormones released by the pituitary gland and responsible for stimulating sperm
production in the testes).
· Problems in the testicles : mumps, trauma, inflammation
and severe varicocele .
Obstructive azoospermia is due
to a problem in the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra,
where ejaculate occurs. The most common causes of this type of disorder
· Absence of vas deferens , either from birth or due to surgical intervention.
· Inflammation or trauma to the testicle, epididymis, vas deferens or
and varicocele
The relationship between
azoospermia and varicocele is quite common. Specifically, men will suffer
from azoospermia in 5% of varicocele cases. However, the varicocele must
be very severe for azoospermia to occur.
Varicocele is defined as the
dilation of the veins that form the spermatic cord and directly affects spermatogenesis,
that is, the production of sperm. The more severe the dilation of the
veins, the more affected the production of sperm and the higher the risk of
suffering from azoospermia.
In secretory azoospermic
patients who have corrected their varicocele by surgery (varicocelectomy), a
50% recovery of testicular tissue has been achieved and sperm motility in the
ejaculate is recovered in 55% of cases.
The vasectomy is a method of male
sterilization in the absence of sperm in the ejaculate is
achieved. The aim
is to voluntarily induce obstructive azoospermia by
cutting the vas deferens, thus preventing the passage of sperm from the
testicle to the urethra.
Since the vas deferens are
blocked, the sperm will remain stored in the epididymis and, over time, will be
reabsorbed by the body itself.
Vasectomy does not affect sperm
production, although it is true that, over time, the body may decrease or
slightly alter sperm production.
In order to start treatment, it
is essential to know the type of azoospermia in question, that is, if it is a
secretory or obstructive azoospermia. In addition, it should be noted that
some types of azoospermia have no solution and it will not be possible to
obtain any sperm.
In men diagnosed with
obstructive azoospermia, a testicular
biopsy could be a solution to obtain sperm. In
addition, microsurgery, removing the obstruction and joining the ducts,
epididymovasostomy or vasovasostomy would also allow treating azoospermia and
being able to obtain sperm in the male.
Instead, Homeopathy treatment will
be chosen for patients with secretory azoospermia. Best Homeopathy Doctor Azoospermia India
If you want more information
about the Homeopathy treatment for low sperm count, you can visit the following
from users
there preventive treatment for azoospermia?
Most of the times the problem
of azoospermia is due to a constitutional cause, either due to genetic failure
or congenital affectation, the male is born without a germ line. In these
cases, azoospermia cannot be prevented.
Other causes of azoospermia
occur as a consequence of testicular damage (trauma, radiation, surgery,
toxins, tumors ...). In these situations, healthy lifestyle habits
(balanced diet, non-extreme sports, avoiding toxic substances) can prevent
azoosopermia. Likewise, the male testicle must be protected in procedures
that involve absorption in the area of ionizing radiation.
Is azoospermia the same as aspermia?
No. Azoospermia is the absence
of sperm in the ejaculate, but the man has no problem ejaculating. In the
case of aspermia, the problem is the absence of ejaculation, it does not refer
to the sperm.
are the symptoms of azoospermia?
Azoospermia does not give rise
to noticeable symptoms on a day-to-day basis such as pain, discomfort,
swelling, etc. Therefore, the safe way to diagnose it is not based on the
symptoms, but only on the result of the semen analysis.
type of azoospermia is more serious in relation to infertility?
Secretory azoospermia is more
serious. It prevents the production of sperm and, therefore, it is not
possible to have biological children even applying assisted reproduction
techniques . As
we have mentioned, the only option to achieve pregnancy if you suffer from this
type of azoospermia is the donation of semen .
it possible to achieve pregnancy through artificial insemination in cases of
No. To achieve gestation
with artificial
insemination, a good sperm concentration is necessary and
patients with azoospermia do not present sperm in the ejaculate. Top Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi For Azoospermia
you get a natural pregnancy with secretory azoospermia?
Any form of azoospermia,
secretory and obstructive, prevents natural pregnancy, since the ejaculate does
not contain sperm. Regarding secretory azoospermia, it will not be
possible to achieve pregnancy through assisted reproduction, since there is no
sperm production.
Depending on the cause of the
azoospermia, it will be possible to administer a hormonal treatment capable of
restoring spermatogenesis to achieve a pregnancy with secretory azoospermia,
even with in vitro fertilization (IVF). If sperm production cannot be
recovered, pregnancy can be achieved by donating sperm.
Recommended reading For Azoospermia
On the other hand, if you want to know the solutions to be able to be a father with azoospermia, you can continue reading here: Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi
Best Homeopathic Medicines
for Azoospermia
Many homeopathic remedies have been known
to cure Low sperm Count. Some of these are;

- Agnus
Castus: Sexual
melancholy. Fear of death. Sadness with impression of speedy death.
Absentminded, forgetful, lack of courage. Illusion of smell-herrings,
musk. Nervous depression and mental forebodings. Yellow discharge from
urethra. No erections. Impotence. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone (Selen;
Con; Sabal). Scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid
on straining. Gleety discharge. Testicles, cold, swollen, hard, and
- Anacardium
Orientalis: Fixed
ideas. Hallucinations; thinks he is possessed of two persons or wills.
Anxiety when walking, as if pursued. Profound melancholy and
hypochondriasis, with tendency to use violent language. Brain-fag.
Impaired memory. Absent mindedness. Very easily offended. Malicious; seems
bent on wickedness. Lack of confidence in himself or others. Suspicious
(Hyos). Clairaudient, hears voices far away or of the dead. Senile
dementia. Absence of all moral restraint. Voluptuous itching; increased
desire; seminal emissions without dreams. Prostatic discharge during stool.
- Argentum
Nitricum: The
patient is intellectual strong, patient complaint of memory loss, along
with disturbed sense of reasoning. Patient is involved in foolish task,
with strange conclusions. Patient experience strange illusions and
hallucinations. His mind is full of useless and troublesome thoughts
specially at night time, which makes him very anxious. Due to anxiety patients
keeps on walking.Melancholia.Weak of memory, It seems time passes very
slowly. Dulness of head, mental confusion ; dizziness ; tendency to fall
- Caladium: Patient
is unable to remember things, he is very forgetful with vague mind. Due to
absentmindedness, he keep on searching different things. Concentration is
very less due to which he is unable to put his ideas into speech. He has
high desire for sex with relaxation of his organ. A state of total
impotency. During intimacy there is urethral discharge. at times impotency
is due to mental suppression. Severe itching on testcles.
- Conium
Mac: Mental
state is full of hysteria with the nervousness. Patient complaint of
weakness of muscles with trembling. Patient has very high desire for sex,
but due to impotency he is not able to perform. Patient complaints of
semen loss during sleep with or without dreams. Ejaculation is very
painful- as if cutting with a knife due to acrid semen. Swelling and
- Lycopodium: There is
great desire to be alone. Despondent. Mentally and physically
patient is very tired with complaint of chronic fatigue, with great
aversion to his work. He is very forgetful, with dread of public
appearance. Great Sensitivity, patient cries even when thanked. It is one
of the most used medicines for impotency. Genital organ are feeble due to
low vitality. Patient marries to live a normal life, but after marriage he
finds he is sexually impotent without erections or very weak and short
erections as if he is not a man. There is history of gonorrhoeal discharge
with warts on male genitals. Patient is not trustworthy; he is very
suspicious and find fault in every task. Patient is very timid with low
How Homeopathy helps to cure
Homeopathic medicine found to be most
effective therapy in treatment of Low Sperm Low Sperm Motility, Low Sperm
Volume, and Abnormal Sperm cell Morphology, Delayed Seminal Liquefaction, Semen
Viscosity, Anti Sperm Antibody and combination of the any of the disorder
either Endocrine or Urology or of both. Homeopathy treatment corrects
Spermatogenesis by making harmony in hormone as well as other associate
urological condition. It improves not only sperm count but also its quality. It
raises low sperm motility to high sperm motility. It also improves grades of
sperm motility simultaneously.
Classically selected tailored homoeopathy
medicine helps in case of Male infertility. Well selected homeopathic medicine
increase sperm count and also helps to overcome various complications related
with male infertility.
are more than 68 Homeopathic medicines which can be given to you based on your
symptoms. Homeopathy treatment for Male infertility must be tailored for you so
as to provide you deep pathological cure. Homeopathy treatment for male
infertility is not only 100% safe but also very effective in large number of
patients. The correct homeopathy medicines have to be selected by an
experienced and a qualified Homeopathic doctor.