Good Result With No Side Effects

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Treat Your Respiratory Ailments with Homeopathy

Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever or Allergic cold, Cold, Cough, Nasal polyps, Vertigo or Dizziness or Giddiness , Enlarged adenoids, Tonsillitis, Ear infection,Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Epistaxis/Nose bleeding.

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Thursday 26 September 2019

Homeopathic solutions for Pollen Allergy


Stinging eyes, runny nose, sniffling falling: dusts are back! Consider the possibility that you tried Aura homeopathy treatment for Allergic Rhinitis, pollen allergy, and hay fever, to ease the symptoms of allergies without any side effects.
Have you try Aura homeopathy to relieve allergy symptoms?
Even without reading the latest allergy pollen bulletin, allergic patient know that pollens are back.
watery eyes, sneezing, itchy nose or eyes: all the symptoms of conjunctivitis or allergic rhinitis are here to remind you! that Pollen allergy is back.

Seasonal allergies:
Four natural homeopathy remedies to keep smiling
To relieve the pollen allergy symptoms, patient can safely opt for Aura homeopathy, even adding the homeopathic medicine along with antihistamines, will reduce the doses of antihistamines and increase the effectiveness of homeopathy.
Best Homeopaths in India recommend 2 basic homeopathic medicines:
Pollens 30CH and Lung histamine 6CH: four granules of each homeopathic medicine, if taken three months before the allergy pollen season and throughout its duration can help.
Histamine6ch is taken in the morning and Pollens30ch in the evening at bedtime.
• Allium cepa 6CH Best Homeopathy medicine for rhinitis, when the nose runs with sneezing
• Naphtalitum 6CH Best homeopathic medicine for allergy, when nasal discharge is abundant
• Nux vomica 6CH Best homeopathy medicine for stuffy nose, with a stuffy nose at night with sneezing in the morning
• Euphrasia 6CH Best homeopathic medicine foe allergic conjuctivitis, when the eyes are very irritated (with or without rhinitis)
• Sabadilla 6CH: if the hay fever from an obstruction of the nostrils and itching of the soft palate
Choose the one (s) that best fits your symptoms and take 4 granules 3 to 4 times a day, space and stop depending on the improvement.
We consult the doctor ...
• If a cough and breathing difficulty (which may trigger an asthma attack: wheezing) occur.
• If the homeopathic treatment does not provide relief after a few days and if the symptoms interfere with daily activities and / or prevent sleep well

The most frequently found remedies are:
• Psorinum
• Tuberculinum

Please note: The homeopathic medicines for allergic rhinitis mentioned above are only to be consumed after consulting a well qualified Homeopathic Doctor because every patient is different and right case taking is the key to the correct homeopathy treatment.

At Aura homeopathy Clinic & Research Centre India, treatment for any ailment is based upon the constitution of the patient hence the homeopathy medicines differ for each patient, depending upon their particular symptoms. At Aura Homeopathic clinic our team of Best Homeopathic Doctor in India, chosen Best Homeopathic Medicine For Pollen Rhinitis on the basis of patient’s symptom totality.

Why Aura Homeopathy for Allergic rhinitis and Hay fever:- Classical Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. In the United States of America, homeopathy medicines are regulated by FDA- Food and Drug Administration. The World Health Organization considers Homeopathy as the second largest health system in the world.  As per Dr.Abhishek Kasana M.D Aura Homeopathy Clinic & Research Centre -India, Homeopathy offers Best Treatment for pollen allergy, Allergic rhinitis, hay fever and other allergic diseases. The selection of the Best Homeopathic medicine for Allergies is based on the theory of individualization and the similarity of the symptoms through the use of a holistic approach. This is the only way through which you can recover by removing all signs and symptoms that the patient is suffering from a state of complete health. The goal of Best homeopathy Doctor is not only for the treatment of allergic Rhinitis, but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. With regard to therapeutic drugs, several remedies are available for the treatment of allergic rhinitis that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the claims. For the selection of the individualized remedy and treatment, the patient should consult Best homeopathic doctor near you, or opt for Aura Homeopathy India Cyber clinic appointment.