Good Result With No Side Effects

Get Freedom From Acne, Urticaria, Pityriasis Versicolor, Psoriasis, Leucoderma, Cellulitis, Boils, Warts, Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Corns, Alopecia, Dandruff, Allergies, Lichen planus, Genital warts, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), Nail problems, Keloid , Warts or Condylomata, Molluscum contagiosum, Freckles, Pigmentation

Treat Your Respiratory Ailments with Homeopathy

Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever or Allergic cold, Cold, Cough, Nasal polyps, Vertigo or Dizziness or Giddiness , Enlarged adenoids, Tonsillitis, Ear infection,Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Epistaxis/Nose bleeding.

Treat Your Gynecology Ailment with Homeopathy

Fibroadenoma Breast, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine fibroids or myomas

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Monday 28 October 2019

Homoeopathy For Diwali Night | Skin and Respiratory Allergies

Diwali Skin Respiratory allergies Aura homeopathy India

Homoeopathy For Diwali Night
Dear Parents,
This is quick help for kids on Diwali eve. Usually doctor are not available on Diwali eve, hence keep few homeopathic medicines handy.
1. In case of Burns: Give first aid to the person by applying Ice or Cold water over the burn.Do not rub or dry using towel. Cantharis 200, five to six pills 4 times a day for 3 days.This will not only arrest formation of blisters but also reduce pain and burning sensation.
Note: Cantharis 200 is recommended to arrest the phase of burns.Patient must be taken to registered medical practitioner for treatment if Burns are of third degree.
2. In Case of Choking Sensation or breathlessness: If you feel suffocative due to pollution,smoke, take 5 pills of Ipecac 200 every 4 hourly.You will feel better. Remain Indoors and keep drinking small sips of normal water.Consult your doctor next day.
Note: Readers are requested not to continue the above medicines more than 7 days.This is only meant for quick help. Its advisable to consult Best Homeopathy doctor near by and do not self medicate for longer period.

 no-crackers-safe-diwali-ecofriendly Aura Homeopathy India

Wish you all Safe and Happy Diwali.
Make your Diwali Happy and Healthy
#Safe diwali #Health Reasons to Avoid #Crackers This #Diwali
Diwali festival is here …We all are ready & excited to celebrate. The chances of having health issues are very common during Diwali as there are fireworks everywhere. Dr.Abhishek Kasana MD (Hom), BHMS (Hons) Delhi: Gold medalist , Cyber Head — Scientific & Medical Affairs, Aura Homeopathy India, , talking about “how to stay healthy & happy this Diwali” & sharing the thoughts on “Say No to Plastics”. Make your Diwali free from health issues. Bring a smile to other’s faces.

Air pollution Diwali skin allergies Aura Homeopathy India

Skin and Respiratory Allergies: Aura Homeopathy India
As Diwali is advancing, the ‘say no to crackers’ campaign is also boosting up. There are multiple reasons to avoid crackers like concerns of global warming, increasing air and noise pollution, impact on child labor and so on. We are trying to contribute to this campaign by highlighting the impact of crackers on health.
1. Noise pollution: Sudden and extravagant sounds of fire crackers may increase the risk of heart problems like arrhythmia and high pulse rates. The anxiety created by lack of sleep due to noise pollution can deteriorate the health of patients with chronic conditions like blood pressure and diabetes. The loud sounds can affect the babies in mother’s womb and also the pregnant mothers. Exposure of loud and sudden explosion can cause hearing impairment in infants.
2. Air pollution: The fumes generated by bursting crackers can act as allergen for asthmatic patient and can trigger an asthmatic attack. The fumes can also lead to respiratory problems like coughing and wheezing. Chemical pneumonia, though a rare condition, can develop due to the fumes from fire crackers.
3. Gastric problems: The chemical in fire crackers often stick on the hands of the user. If not washed properly, these chemical can enter your body with food and can lead to serious gastric troubles like vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and allergic polyp in the intestinal tract.
4. Cadmium anemia and kidney damage: Cadmium found in the fire crackers is very harmful for the blood cells. The element breaks down the healthy blood cells and prevents formation of new ones. It also reduces the uptake of iron by the red blood cells and thus leads to anemia. The accidental intake of cadmium can lead to kidney toxicity severely and unfortunately the kidney damage thus developed is irreversible.
5. Effect of lead and magnesium: Lead present in fire crackers can cause nervous damage and thus render the user prone to paralysis or even coma. Magnesium can lead to metal fume fever.
6. Skin problems: The chemical in the crackers are very acidic or alkaline in their pH and thus can damage skin. Sodium present in the crackers reacts vigorously with moisture and can damage the skin.
All these problems are very common in the children working in the cracker factories. Please avoid these little devils not just for the sake of your health but also for these children who are losing their health and even their lives.
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Thursday 17 October 2019

Homeopathy For Hormonal Imbalance | Can Homeopathy help to get pregnant faster?

Aura Homeopathy Imbalance Hormones Naturally

Aura Homeopathy For Infertility Homeopathy also helps women to conceive a baby. The point on this gentle medicine that could help you get pregnant faster.

Homeopathy is based on three main principles. A substance that causes in a healthy person certain disorders is able to cure these same disorders in a sick person. This is the law of similarity. The substances used (animal, vegetable or mineral) are very low dose without losing their effectiveness: it is the principle of infinitesimality . Finally, homeopathy is a medicine that treats the whole person and not just disease. 

Aura Homeopathy For Hormonal Imbalance Treatment In India. Homeopathic medicine are very effective for various hormone imbalance condition including: Pcod, Uterine fibroid, irregularities in menses, prematutre ejaculation, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, Hair loss, alopecia, mood swings, anxiety, depression, etc. Our Team of Best Homeopathy doctor in Delhi, have a good track record, to help you with the aid of 100% safe and natural homeopathy medicine for Hormonal Imbalance. At Aura we recommended Homeopathy For Hormonal imbalance in both male and female patients. 

As per Dr.Abhishek Kasana M.D Homeopathy doctor in India, role of classical homeopathy is well known to medical doctors, but these well selected sweet homeopathy globules can also be a helpful aid in Hormonal imbalance. Now a days, a number of couples are opting Homeopathy For Hormone imbalance treatment in India.

Best infertility homeopathy doctor in Delhi

How can homeopathy help in Hormonal imbalance and infertility?

Homeopathy is very effective in cases hormonal imbalance and infertility.
Good Classical Homeopathy treatment can regulate ovulation, menstrual cycles and helps to improve the hormonal balance. It also promotes implantation of the egg in the uterine lining. Classical  homeopathic treatment can be prescribed on the basis of patient personality.

Before In vitro fertilization, homeopathy effectively treats the mental stress, anxiety and anguish of female patient.

How long should homeopathic therapy be used Hormonal Imbalance ?
6 to 9 months of homeopathy treatment, with granules twice a day, make it possible to obtain, good cure.

Homeopathic treatments For Hormonal imbalance and to get pregnant faster
Here are some guidelines for women who want to conceive a baby quickly, helping them to regulate their cycle, for example, or to keep their minds free during the baby testing months, which can sometimes be very long. For a precise treatment adapted to your needs, it is recommended to seek advice from your Homeopathic doctor who will have classical vision of your symptoms.

To promote the fertility of women with 28-day cycles (as a single dose):
- Ovarium, 1 dose at day 5 of the cycle
- Folliculinum, 1 dose at day 7
- Progesteronum, 1 dose updated 21

If women wishing to regulate long cycles (35 days or more):

- LHRH, 5 granules every morning except during menstruation
- Folliculinum, one dose at day 15 and another at day 29
- Progesteronum, 5 granules of Day17 until the day of menstruation

When a pregnancy is slow to arrive, to fight against the psychological impact of baby tests or as part of a PMA technique :
- Igniata amara, 5 granules morning and evening
- Gelsenium, 5 granules morning and evening

Improving quality of her cervical mucus :
- Lycopodium, 5 granules morning and evening
- Gelsenium, 5 granules morning and evening

Where to find a specialist in homeopathy?
Aura Homeopathy Clinic & research Centre India, 321, Sector-31, Faridabad, 121003 India.

Friday 4 October 2019

Best Homeopathy Medicine For Prostate Treatment In Delhi

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Homeopathy Treatment

The prostate gland is a small gland 7-16 grams in weight (15-28 cc), which surrounds the 1st part of urethra below the bladder in men. It secrete prostatic fluid. It also help in expulsion of semen out during the process of ejaculation. When size of prostate gland increase more than 30 cc, it indicates BPH - benign prostate hyperplasia. BPH is non-cancerous prostate gland enlargement. Best Homeopathy medicines for prostate enlargement can save a person from surgery. At Aura we provide Best Homeopathy Medicine For Prostate. We have Best Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi For Benign Prostatic Enlargement BPH. At Aura Homeopathy, our Team of Best Homeopathy doctor in delhi provide Best Homeopathic treatment which is very effective for prostate problem.
Best Homeopathy Medicine For Prostate Treatment In Delhi
Best Homeopathy Medicine For Prostate treatment In Delhi

Best Homeopathy Medicine For Prostate Treatment
Chimaphilla umbellata
This is Best homeopathy medicine for prostatitis and enlarge prostate. Patient complaint retention urination and frequent urging to pee. At times patient complaints of sensation as if a ball is lodged in the pelvic floor, he complaint of swelling, pressure and soreness in pelvic region which gets worse while sitting down.

Benign Prostate Hypertrophy along with difficulty after urination. Pain in pelvis which extend to the urinary bladder, which gets worse when the patient is lying on his back. Prostate patient complaint's of thick, bland, yellowish discharge from the penis. Patient is very emotional and want love and affection. He feels better in open air. Pulsatila is Best Homeopathy Medicine for Emotional person suffering from Benign Prostate Enlargement.

Other Homeopathy Medicine for Prostate Enlargement

Apis mellifica
Stinging pain while urination which gets worse towards conclusion of urination is Red line symptom of this medicine. The pelvic area is sensitive to touch because of swelling of prostate. Patient feel worse from heat in general and he feels good in open air or while taking cool bath.

Urine loss when the person coughs or sneezes often indicates a need for this remedy. Once urine has started passing, the person may feel pressure or pulsation extending from the prostate to the bladder. It is Best Homeopathy Medicine for prostate enlargement when sexual pleasure during orgasm is diminished or absent.

Another Best Homeopathic medicine for BPH when swelling of the prostate seems to have narrowed or tightened the urinary passage. Urine comes out slowly, in drops, with dribbling afterward.

Another Good Homeopathy medicine for prostate when urine is slow to start, with pressure in the prostate, during and after passing urine. The prostate is enlarged along with impotence. Patient complaints of indigestion along with gas and bloating.

Sabal serrulata
Difficulty in passing urine, with frequent urge to urinate at night and feeling of coldness in the sexual organs, strongly suggest for this homeopathy medicine in Prostate. Moreover this medicine is made from saw palmetto which is also used as an herbal extract for similar prostate problems.

Indicative homeopathy medicine in BPH, with burning pain in his urinary passage, and urine retention. Mentally patients are romantic and sentimental, along with sexual problem and impotence.

Top Homeopathy medicine for enlarged prostate, where patient has frequent urge to urinate, along with burning or cutting pain near the neck of bladder. After passing urine, sensation of dribbling is felt. A divided stream of urine is noticed by the patient indicating this remedy.
Best Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi For Erectile Dysfunction Sexual Problem
Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi For Erectile Dysfunction Sexual Problem

Why Homeopathy For BPH?

Best homeopathic medicine for Prostatitis "BPH" Treatment and Other Prostate Problems for Overall Prostate Health!
Best selected homeopathic medicine prevent, improve and eliminate most Prostate Problems Fast, With Natural homeopathy Prostate Supplements, Aura homeopathy Medicine for Prostatitis "BPH" and other Prostate Health Problems!

Aura Homeopathic Treatment Helps in following way:-

  • Ensure Healthy Urinary Flow, Pee Like an Eighteen Year Old!
  • Optimize Prostate Health and Prevent Prostate Enlargement!
  • Help Prevent Prostate Cancer!
  • Dramatically Lower Elevated PSA Results!
  • Effectively Relieve Symptoms of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, (BPH) with Natural Remedies
  • It helps to Improve Chronic Prostate Health Conditions While Reducing Associated Pain!
  • Helps to Maintain Maximum Urinary Tract Health!
  • Prevent Common Prostate Health Problems Before They Start!
  • Improves and Helps Maintain Sexual Energy and Vitality!
  • It does Not Have the Many Unwanted Side Effects Associated With Dangerous Prescription Drugs Like Proscar, Hytrin and Flomax