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Wednesday 29 December 2021

5 things you should know about dandruff

The Dandruff is the flaking of the scalp and hair follicles that can sometimes be a symptom of a skin condition. "It is a sign of many skin diseases , the most common being seborrheic dermatitis ", clarifies this dermatologist from Aura Homeopathy Clinic. 

In this sense, Dr.Abhishek, Homeopathy Doctor In India, and an expert in dermatology points out that "this flaking of the scalp may be associated with a fungal infection ". As a result of this flaking and the dead cells that accumulate on the scalp, small white particles are created. These visible specks on the head and that tend to fall from the shoulders are a discomfort from the aesthetic point of view for those who have dandruff. Scalp flaking is more common in men.

Flaking of the scalp is a skin condition that requires treatment to prevent the problem from getting worse . "Dandruff is a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis and is considered the mildest manifestation of it".

1. Dandruff is more common in men

The flaking of the scalp due to seborrheic dermatitis and / or other skin diseases is generally more common in men, as confirmed by the specialists consulted by Aura Homeopathy India. 

In this regard, some studies suggest that this condition may be related to hormonal levels in men , although there are other causes such as the fungus called Pytirosporum ovale ( naturally present on the skin), the psoriasis that is more prevalent among males. ), and the effects of stress and anxiety on the skin.

2. At what ages is it most common? 

The most likely age for dandruff to appear is between 25 and 50 years , as indicated by Eyebrows. Scalp flaking is more common in young people because "when we talk about dandruff we usually refer to seborrheic dermatitis and this begins in adolescence ".

In his experience, some newborn babies can also present with this dermatological problem, while it is very rare in the elderly .

3. How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo

"The function of the shampoo is to be a detergent, that is, to clean the hair shafts and scalp from flaking". So what is the best option if I have dandruff? "In this case, we must prioritize using a shampoo with high detergent capacity and that removes flaking and, therefore, look for components such as thuja and arnica ".

At this point, Eyebrows considers that a key aspect when choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo is to assess whether the dandruff is dry or oily .

4. How often do you have to wash your hair?

Washing hair is another issue that worries people with dandruff, especially how many times a week they should do it to control dandruff. Eyebrows suggests that "you have to wash your hair as many times as necessary", while Dr. Abhishek M.D (Aura Homeopathy) suggests that it be done daily.

5. Can I use conditioner if I have dandruff?

Smoothing creams and conditioners can be used by "those who have long hair, but without applying it to the scalp .

Other products recommended for people with dandruff, always under the indication of health personnel, are " antifungal shampoos once or twice a week , and in the case of frank seborrheic dermatitis, in addition to the above, homeopathy medicine can be used for outbreaks ”, Concludes Dr.Kasana.

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