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Wednesday 29 January 2020

Healthy Diet and Tips For Skin | Aura Homeopathy India

Aura Homeopathy

What you eat impacts your skin. Healthy Diet and Tips For Skin : Aura Homeopathy India. As per Dr. Abhishek Kasana M.D Homeopathic Doctor in India, it's clear that what you eat can significantly affect the health and aging of your skin. In this article we will discuss 12 of the best foods healthy skin, and  15 foods to avoid in order to get a better skin.

                                                          Skin Care Tips

Our busy lifestyle leaves little time for pampering the skin. The Result skin isn't baby-soft with which we were born. With age, skin gradually becomes thinner and finely wrinkled. Oil- producing sebaceous glands grow less active leaving skin drier.

1. Protect skin from the Sun
The best way to take care of skin is to protect it from the sun. Ultraviolet light and intense rays of the sun damages the skin, causing deep wrinkles, dry, rough skin, liver spots, and more serious disorders.

2. Don't Smoke
Smoke can accelerate the normal aging process of skin and contributing to wrinkles. Skin changes from smoking can be seen in young adults who have been smoking for as few as 10 years.

3. Wash skin gently
Cleaning is an essential part of caring for skin. The key is to treat skin gently. 

  1. Use lukewarm water and limit bathing time. Hot water bath and long showers remove oil from the skin.
  2. Avoid strong soap. They can leave skin dry. Instead, choose mild soap with oil and fats added to them during the soap manufacturing process.
  3. Avoid irritating additives. If skin is senstive, avoid products containing perfumes or dye. These can irritate skin and may trigger an allergic response.
  4. Remove eye makeup carefully. Use a soft sponge, cotton cloth or cotton balls when removing eye makeup to avoid damaging the delicate tissue around eyes.
  5. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on the skin.

4. Shave carefully
Shaving is cvommon and inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair. But shaving can cause skin irritation, especially if skin is thin, dry or over senstive.

5. Take plenty of water
Drink at least 4 liter of water per day to stay hydrated. This helps flushing toxins through kidney insted of skin.

6. Diet
Follow a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish. Food high in saturated fat, including meat, butter, and full-fat dairy, as well as soft drinks, cake, pastries, and potatoes, increase the likelihood of skin wrinkling, so they should be avoided. Avoid fatty food like chocolates, nuts, dry fruits, spicy food etc. which might increase the activity of sebaceous glands.

7. Other tips

  • Wear cotton clothing
  • Avoid synthetic or wollen bed covers as these irritate skin 
  • Try to maintain even temperature, as frequent change in temperature can cause itching.
  • After bath, mix 5ml of coconut or oilve oil in half mug of warm water and finish your bath with this.
  • Keep finger nails short to help prevent damage to skin caused by scratching.
  • Don't get overheated. 
  • After workout, dab sweat away with a damp cloth and pat dry or shower as soon as you can, as sweating can irritate the skin and lead to itching.

                               Foods To Avoid In Order To Get A Better Skin

1. Doughnuts
Whether they’re made at a gourmet bakery or fast food pit stop, doughnuts are a double dose of bad news for your skin. Grease and sugar is one-stop shopping for skin woes.

2. Soda
Soda pop and other high-sugar beverages can damage the formation of collagen, the connective tissue that help keeps skin firm — another reason to stick to calorie-free bevies like water, seltzer and unsweetened tea.

3. Fried Foods
Fried foods can lead to bad skin, but forget the old wives’ tale about getting zits from rubbing greasy fingers on your face (though that probably won’t help). Eating too many high-fat foods can have a negative effect internally on circulation. This can promote that skin puffiness that no one appreciates when looking in the mirror.

4. Alcohol
The diuretic effect of alcohol can wreak havoc on your skin, sucking out the moisture and contributing to a sunken and washed-out look. Booze doesn’t need to be completely off-limits, but be sure to imbibe in moderation. And don’t forget to counteract the effects of alcohol when you do tip a few back by taking in extra fluids.

5. White Rice
Like white bread, white rice is another food ranking high on the glycemic index. While it's not totally unhealthy, consider enjoying this food along with a higher-protein food like chicken, beans or peanut butter on a rice cake to delay digestion time.

6. Candy
It’s no secret that candy is no good for your waistline, but all those processed sugars can also damage your skin by promoting inflammation.

7. Salty Snacks
Chips and high-sodium dips can quickly jack up your salt intake for the day. This kind of salt consumption leads to water retention that you can feel all over, including your skin.

8. Coffee
Coffee opens the door for several potential skin problems. Caffeine can dehydrate skin, magnifying the appearance of fine lines. Taking your coffee with an abundance of cream and sugar certainly won't help. Finally, if too much caffeine is interrupting sleep, the effects will show up on skin. While coffee does contain antioxidants, there is such a thing as too much, putting hard-core java drinkers at risk.

9. Popcorn
A large-sized popcorn at the movies contains over 1,000 calories ... and that’s before you drench it with globs of fake butter. This hefty dose of unhealthy calories and sodium will stick with your skin long passed show time. Skip this snack when catching a flick.

10. Meats
Eating lots of high-fat and high-sodium processed meats like salami and hot dogs won’t do your complexion any favors. Look for brands that use less preservatives, enjoy in moderation and drink extra water if you do eat them.

11. White Bread
Some research suggests that foods with a high glycemic index (GI) can be bad news for your skin. Eating high GI foods like white bread causes a drastic spike in blood sugar and insulin that has been linked to acne.

12. Condiments
Often considered a hidden source of added sugar and sodium, heavy pours of condiments like soy sauce, ketchup and barbecue sauce can add up to a whole lot of skin distress. Be sure to keep your portions in moderation.

13. Sweetened Teas
While tea contains many superfood elements, sugar-laden tea beverages can contain upwards of 10 teaspoons of added sugar per serving. Collagen is a substance that helps keep skin tight and radiant. Too many high-sugar and pro-inflammatory foods can damage collage production, leaving your skin more saggy and flat. Instead, choose foods that promote collagen such as berries and brightly colored vegetables.

14. Mayonnaise
Foods high in omega-6 rich oils (like soybean, corn and safflower) found in mayo and some salad dressings can stimulate inflammatory processes, making skin less than stellar. Many of these plant-based oils are good for you in moderation. For best results eat omega-6 fats in combination with inflammation fighting omega-3s from foods like salmon and tuna.

15.Energy Drinks
Another double-punch to your face, this time from caffeine and sugar. These fizzy drinks promise energy, but really only hop you up on sugar, caffeine and other stimulants. Don’t believe the hype.

                                             Top Food for Beautiful Skin

1. FishWHY?
Fatty fish, for example salmon, have omega-3 fatty acids which helps in reducing inflammation and keep skin moisturized. Fish is the best source protein, vitamin E and zinc.

2. Avocados
Avocados contain important fats and vitamins E and C, which are very important for healthy skin. It also has compounds that protect our skin from sun tanning and damage.

3. Walnuts
Walnuts are a good source of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium and protein — all of which are nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy.

4. Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of nutrients, including vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant for the skin.
One ounce (28 grams) of sunflower seeds packs 37% of the RDI for vitamin E, 32% of the RDI for selenium, 10% of the RDI for zinc and 5.4 grams of protein.

5. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which acts as a natural sunblock and may protect your skin from sun damage.

6. Red or Yellow Bell Peppers
Bell peppers contain plenty of beta-carotene and vitamin C — both of which are important antioxidants for your skin. Vitamin C is also necessary to create collagen, the structural protein that keeps your skin strong.

7. Broccoli
Broccoli is a good source of vitamins, minerals and carotenoids that are important for skin health. It also contains sulforaphane, which may help prevent skin cancer and protect your skin from sunburn.

8. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and all of the major carotenoids, especially lycopene. These carotenoids protect your skin from sun damage and may help prevent wrinkling.

9. Soy
Soy contains isoflavones, which have been shown to improve wrinkles, collagen, skin elasticity and skin dryness, as well as protect your skin from UV damage.

10. Dark Chocolate
Cocoa contains antioxidants that may protect your skin against sunburn. These antioxidants may also improve wrinkles, skin thickness, hydration, blood flow and skin texture.

11. Green Tea
The catechins found in green tea are powerful antioxidants that can protect your skin against sun damage and reduce redness as well as improve its hydration, thickness and elasticity.

12. Red Wine
Resveratrol, the famous antioxidant found in red wine, may slow your skin’s aging process by impairing harmful free radicals that damage your skin.

What you eat can have a big impact on your skin health.
Make sure you're getting enough essential nutrients to protect your skin. The foods on this list are great options to keep your skin healthy, strong and attractive.

To know more information visit us: Aura Homeopathy India

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Wednesday 8 January 2020

Homeopathy For Low Sperm Count, its Action on Male Infertility

In this article we will discuss in detail how Homeopathy is good for Low sperm count, and its action on male Infertility.

As per Dr.Abhishek Kasana (M.D) Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi, India - Homeopathic treatment is very effective for male Sexual problem's, including Infertility, Sexual weakness, Impotency, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low Sperm Count, etc. This Article is extract of one of the Famous article written By Dr.Abhishek, which got published in the International Journal of Homeopathy London, United Kingdom(International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine - U.K). In this article we will discuss in detail how Homeopathy is good for Low sperm count, and its action on male Infertility.

Hormonal imbalance, abnormal sperm shape, vericocele and Teratozoospermia are terms associated with male infertility. Low sperm count-Oligospermia- is a condition where less than 20 million sperm/ ml are present in the ejaculate. Nill sperm count/Azoospermia it is the term given to condition when there is absence of sperm/spermatozoa in the ejaculation. 
Low motility - Low Sperm Count - Oligospermaesthenia
Oligospermia - Low Sperm Count - Oligospermia defined as less number of sperm in the ejaculate of the male or less than 20 million sperm per milli litre. Normal Sperm count: 20 million/milli litre to 120 million /milliliter. Sperm count below 20 million/ml called Oligospermia. Azoospermia is defined as the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculation.
Homeopathic medicine is very effective in the treatment of Low Sperm Motility, Low Sperm Count, Low Sperm Volume, Semen Viscosity, Abnormal Sperm cell Morphology, Anti Sperm Antibodies and combination of above ailments. As per Clinical data analysis done by Dr. Abhishek M.D (Homeopathy) infertility in males and Low sperm count is very common then most couples think. In India, the mindset is so developed, that in case a female is  not getting pregnant, we tend to think it’s may be due to infertility on the part of female. But as per research, chances of male factor infertility are relevantly more. As per Dr. Abhishek M.D-Homeopathy, if any couple is trying to conceive from 1 year, and not getting results positive for pregnancy, then both male and female should get them tested for infertility.  We will be discussing in detail regarding male infertility here, Sperm count of 20 million or more along with healthy motility and morphology of the sperm is termed as normal. 
If a male find his sperm levels is less than 20 million or you are having issues with sperm morphology, motility or mobility then Homeopathy medicines can helpful to enhance sperm quality and quantity in most natural way.
Main causes of Low Sperm Count
  1. Electromagnetic frequencies: Research studies have proven that EMF, leads to rise in testicles temperature, which there by decrease sperm count. Dr. Abhishek advice not to keep mobile phones in the pocket.
  2. Radio frequency electromagnetic waves: Clinical study shows that RF-EMWs emitted from wi-fi connectivity device damage sperm and plays a important role in decreasing sperm production and motility. RF-EMWs lead to increasing sperm DNA fragmentation.
  3. Tobacco smoking: Tobacco smoking habit damages the morphology of sperm. But the good part is that harm done by tobacco smoking can be reversed, once a person quit smoking.
  4. Pesticides: Now a day there is huge exposure to insecticides and pesticides in our food. Research study shows that pesticides mimic estrogens hormone and alter health production of sperms.
  5. Meat and Dairy products: Dairy animals are highly exposed to high level of estrogen hormone to increase the productivity, hence milk, milk products or animal meat of such animal alter normal semen production.
  6. Soy foods: Isoflavones, is a type of phytoestrogen which is commonly found in processed soy food, and research study have shown that isoflavone block estrogen receptor sites, which are required for testosterone
  7. Alcohol: Clinical study at Aura Homeopathy clinic shows that alcohol consumption for long term leads to decrease in quality and quantity of sperms. Hence alcohol consumption should be stopped completely.
  8. Plastics: Avoide use of plastic utinsils and container, as per study-when plastic utensils are over heated it release xenohormones and xenohormones mimic estrogen hormone in human body.
  9. Hyperthermia: Dr. Abhishek advice that overheats may damage sperm, hence frequent use of hot tub bath and saunas would be avoided. Further tight undergarments must be strictly avoided. Testicles hang to regulate the temperature which is favourable for healthy sperm production, and no-a day’s males wear tight clothing, even during sleep.
  10. Stress: Mental Stress leads to hormone imbalance, which affects production of sperm.

Few Tips given By Dr. Abhishek Kasana
  1. Get your sperm analysis test every 3rd month.
  2. Avoide exposure to Electromagnetic frequencies, Radio frequency electromagnetic waves, insecticides, pesticides, tobacco smoking, food rich in soy, caned or packed food, alcohol, plastics utensils and cary bags, tight undergarments, hot tub bath, long duration bike riding and reduce mental stress.
  3. Eat healthy diet rich in nutrients good for sperm production and male reproductive system. These are selenium, zinc, vitamin B12, folic acid, L-Carnitine, vitamin E and food rich in antioxidants.
  4. Get your male Hormone in Balance-Men can also get affected by hormonal imbalance. Testosterone is one of the main male hormones, and due to present modern lifestyle it become imbalanced.
Few pollutants which “mimic” estrogens for example xenohormones in human body results in decreasing testosterone. Further increased estrogen level in males may lead to Decreased libido or sex drive, ED- Erectile dysfunction, Decrease or low sperm count, and Decrease seminal fluid production.
Few tips for balancing male hormones, Low Sperm Count and Treating Male Infertility
  1. Avoid your exposure to xenohormones.
  2. Avoid non-veg food or Opt. for organic meats and dairy.
  3. Avoid eating soy foods.
  4. Detoxify your body with lots and lots of water and juices.
  5. Increase intake of fiber and cruciferous vegetables. Crociferous vegetables contain certain element that helps the body to clean itself of estrogen excess.
  6. Avoide Influx of xenohormones: By avoiding foods containing soy protein, by avoiding Pesticides in food, by avoiding Estrogen hormones given to dairy animals and lastly by avoiding Use of plastic utensils
Homeopathy for Male Infertility & Good Sperm quality and quantity
Following natural homeopathic medicine have shown there curable effects on oligospermia and morphological defects of sperms. Studies have shown that homeopathy medicine helps male having healthier sperm with increase chances of fertility.
These homeopathic medicines are adapt gens which help normal functioning of endocrine system. For best results use homeopathic medicines at least for 6 months, and do cross check your sperm count and analysis every 3 months.
Advantage of Homeopathy Treatment
  1. Homeopathy is very fast to act and one of the natural and safest modes of treatment.
  2. Proven and tested in thousands of infertility patients with success rate of 85%.
  3. Homeopathic Medicine not only effective in increasing sperm count but also helps in increasing sperm motility and sperm Volume, abnormal sperm morphology can also be corrected with homeopathy treatment.
  4. Homeopathic medicine does not contain any hormones.
  5. Minimum time required for homeopathy treatment is 3-4 month with at least 1 million sperm count, further there is no need of medicine for at least 7 to 8 year after completion of homeopathy treatment.
  6. Homeopathy also treats Varicocele, imbalance of hormones and other related urological abnormalities.
  7. Homeopathy promotes Spermatogenesis.
  8. It not only helps to achieve normal sperm counts in males with Small Testes but also in those male having only one testis. 
Frequently asked questions
  1. What Is Homeopathy Fertility Treatment?
  2. Homeopathy helps in Conceiving naturally, at aura we provide researched based homeopathic medicine based on exhaustive research. Medicine is selected on the basis of individualisation, which include totality of symptoms- Considering both mental and physical symptoms. As per Dr. Abhishek it is tailored or personalised treatment. It is natural, very safe, and gentle without any side-effects.

    Homeopathy is Good For Sex problem and male sexual problem. Homeopathy treatment for infertility, is best way of conceiving naturally. Along with male infertility it also take cares of:
    1. PCOS.
    2. Endometriosis.
    3. Fallopian Tubes blockage.
    4. Unexplained Infertility.
    5. Hormonal Imbalances and problem related to Ovulation
    6. Uterine Fibroids and Cysts.
    7. Secondary Infertility.
    8. History of Multiple Repeated Miscarriages.
    9.  Erectile Dysfunction
  3. How long will it take for me to conceive naturally?
  4. Duration of treatment depend from person to person. Minimum time required for homeopathy treatment is 3-4 month with at least 1 million sperm count.
    Treatment provides individualized homeopathic therapy for male infertility. The selected homeopathic medicine is prescribed on the basis of symptoms totality. With course of treatment sperm quality and quantity improves significantly.
  5. What are the side-effects of homeopathy fertility treatment protocol?
  6. No side effect noted.
  7. Can it help in increasing my sperm count?
  8. Yes, homeopathy treatment is very capable of increasing sperm count, further Dr. Abhishek advice each and every patient to cross check sperm count every 3rd month so as to monitor the success of the treatment. 
Best Homeopathic Medicines for Low Sperm Count - Oligospermia
Many homeopathic remedies have been known to cure Low sperm Count. Some of Best Homeopathic Medicine For Low Sperm Count and Infertility are;
  1. Agnus Castus: Sexual melancholy. Fear of death. Sadness with impression of speedy death. Absentminded, forgetful, lack of courage. Illusion of smell-herrings, musk. Nervous depression and mental forebodings. Yellow discharge from urethra. No erections. Impotence. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone (Selen; Con; Sabal). Scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. Gleety discharge. Testicles, cold, swollen, hard, and painful.
  2. Anacardium Orientalis: Fixed ideas. Hallucinations; thinks he is possessed of two persons or wills. Anxiety when walking, as if pursued. Profound melancholy and hypochondriasis, with tendency to use violent language. Brain-fag. Impaired memory. Absent mindedness. Very easily offended. Malicious; seems bent on wickedness. Lack of confidence in himself or others. Suspicious (Hyos). Clairaudient, hears voices far away or of the dead. Senile dementia. Absence of all moral restraint. Voluptuous itching; increased desire; seminal emissions without dreams. Prostatic discharge during stool.
  3. Argentum Nitricum: The patient is intellectual strong, patient complaint of memory loss, along with disturbed sense of reasoning. Patient is involved in foolish task, with strange conclusions. Patient experience strange illusions and hallucinations. His mind is full of useless and troublesome thoughts specially at night time, which makes him very anxious. Due to anxiety patients keeps on walking.Melancholia.Weak of memory, It seems time passes very slowly. Dulness of head, mental confusion ; dizziness ; tendency to fall sideways.
  4. Caladium: Patient is unable to remember things, he is very forgetful with vague mind. Due to absentmindedness, he keep on searching different things. Concentration is very less due to which he is unable to put his ideas into speech. He has high desire for sex with relaxation of his organ. A state of total impotency. During intimacy there is urethral discharge. at times impotency is due to mental suppression. Severe itching on testcles.
  5. Conium Mac: Mental state is full of hysteria with the nervousness. Patient complaint of weakness of muscles with trembling. Patient has very high desire for sex, but due to impotency he is not able to perform. Patient complaints of semen loss during sleep with or without dreams. Ejaculation is very painful- as if cutting with a knife due to acrid semen. Swelling and hardness
  6. Lycopodium: There is great desire to be alone. Despondent.  Mentally and physically patient is very tired with complaint of chronic fatigue, with great aversion to his work. He is very forgetful, with dread of public appearance. Great Sensitivity, patient cries even when thanked. It is one of the most used medicines for impotency. Genital organ are feeble due to low vitality. Patient marries to live a normal life, but after marriage he finds he is sexually impotent without erections or very weak and short erections as if he is not a man. There is history of gonorrhoeal discharge with warts on male genitals. Patient is not trustworthy; he is very suspicious and find fault in every task. Patient is very timid with low self-confidence.
Classically selected tailored homoeopathy medicine helps in case of Male infertility. Well selected homeopathic medicine increase sperm count and also helps to overcome various complications related with male infertility. 
There are more than 68 Homeopathic medicines which can be given to you based on your symptoms. Homeopathy treatment for Male infertility must be tailored for you so as to provide you deep pathological cure. Homeopathy treatment for male infertility is not only 100% safe but also very effective in large number of patients. The correct homeopathy medicines have to be selected by an experienced and a qualified Homeopathic doctor.

Abhishek Kasana 

Department of Homeopathy, India
Correspondence: Abhishek Kasana, B.H.M.S, C.F.N-Delhi, D.I Hom –United Kingdom, P.G.D.P.H- Chennai, M.D Homeopathy- Maharashtra, India
Received: March 25, 2017 | Published: May 18, 2017
Citation: Kasana A (2017) Homeopathy and its Scope in Increasing Sperm Count and its Action on Male Fertility. Int J Complement Alt Med 6(6): 00209. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2017.06.00209

Dr. Abhishek Kasana (Homeopathic doctor in Delhi) strongly recommended Classical Homeopathy Treatment for Impotency, Infertility, Sexual weakness, Impotency, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low Sperm Count, etc. For Online Treatment Visit us at Aura Homeopathy India