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Sunday 25 February 2018

Top Homeopathy Medicine For Asthma

Bronchial asthma is a very common respiratory disease caused by inflammation of the small air channels of the lungs called bronchioles.
The inflammatory process leads to the formation of edema, increased production of mucus and spasms of the respiratory tree, obstructed the passage of air through the lungs. This process is called bronchospasm and is characterized by difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing and a feeling of tightness in the chest.


In this article, we will explain asthma by addressing its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and homeopathic treatment options.

What Is Asthma

So that we can explain what asthma is and how it arises, we must first review some basic aspects of the anatomy of the respiratory system.
When we breathe in, air enters through the nose (or mouth), passes through the larynx and reaches the trachea, a calibrated tube that gives rise to the lower respiratory tract. The trachea bifurcates, forming the main bronchi, each one going towards one of its lungs. As they advance into the lungs, the bronchi go branching into smaller and smaller segments, called bronchioles, which in turn end up in the alveoli, the structure where oxygenation of the blood takes place. The terminal bronchioles are very small air channels, which have a diameter of only 0.5 mm.
For reasons still not well understood, patients with asthma develop a chronic inflammatory process in their small airways. This inflammation causes the asthmatic to be a person with a very sensitive lung. Simple environmental stimuli, such as exposure to pollen, smoke, dust, cold, etc., that are easily tolerated by the lungs of healthy people, usually cause a severe allergic reaction in the lungs of patients with asthma. This exacerbated reaction leads to the formation of edema in the bronchioles, production of excessive mucus and spasms of the bronchial muscle (bronchospasm), factors that cause a great reduction in the caliber of the respiratory tract, which makes the air passage difficult.
Asthamatic patient complains of discomfort in inspiring, and great difficulty to exhale, which leads to trapping of inhaled air inside alveoli, causing hyperinflation of lungs.
Fortunately, this obstruction caused by the reduction of the caliber of the respiratory tract is a reversible process, an essential feature that distinguishes asthma from chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema, diseases known as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Asthma is a disease that can disappear or present great improvement in adolescence. In some cases, it disappears and returns years later in adult life; in others, it goes away and never comes back. There are also patients who will develop asthma for the first time in adulthood, some only in the third age.


Asthma is a disease that can occur at any age, but it is more common in children. In 75% of cases, it manifests before 7 years of age. It is estimated that the disease affects around 10% of the pediatric population and 5% of adults.
The most common signs and symptoms of asthma are dyspnea, coughing and bronchospasm (characterized by wheezing during breathing). Many patients also complain of a feeling of heaviness or compression in the chest. A typical feature of asthma is worsening of symptoms at night.
Asthma tends to manifest itself in attacks, which come and go and are triggered by some factors, such as respiratory viruses, smoke, cold, dust, animal hair, etc. When the patient is not in crisis, usually does not present symptoms, however, some degree of bronchospasm is usually present, mainly in patients with more severe forms of asthma. In general, these individuals adapt to this slight reduction in the caliber of the respiratory tract and do not report complaints on a day-to-day basis, unless they have to make an effort.

Classification of Asthma
1. Intermittent asthma
2. Mild persistent asthma
3. Moderate persistent asthma
4. Severe persistent asthma
  1. Intermittent asthma:- Asthma attacks occur less frequently than 2 days a week, the patient wakes up less than 2 nights a month with seizures, inhalers with bronchodilators are only needed in less than 2 days a week and asthma usually it does not influence routine activities.
  2. Mild persistent asthma:- Asthma attacks occur more frequently than 2 days a week (but not every day), the patient wakes up at least 3 to 4 nights a month with seizures, inhalers with bronchodilators are needed in more than 2 days a week (but not every day and no more than 1 time a day) and asthma can cause mild limitations in routine activities.
  3. Moderate persistent asthma:- Asthma attacks occur every day, the patient wakes up more than 1 time a week with seizures, inhalers with bronchodilators are needed every day and asthma can cause limitations in routine activities.
  4. Severe persistent asthma:- Asthma attacks occur daily, more than once a day, the patient wakes up every night with seizures, inhalers with bronchodilators are needed several times a day and asthma can cause serious limitations in routine activities.

Signs of severity of an asthma attack
Some patients, in addition to having persistent moderate to severe asthma, can also present severe acute asthma attacks, requiring immediate medical attention. Signs of severity of an asthma attack include:
  • Great effort to breathe.
  • Violet or bluish lips.
  • Anxiety crisis.
  • Difficulty speaking.
  • Intense sweating.
  • Clear use of the thoracic, abdominal or neck muscles during breathing
  • Reduction of consciousness or mental confusion.
Causes And Triggers Of Asthma 
  • We do not know exactly what causes an individual to develop asthma. However, we know that there is a strong genetic factor, because the disease tends to affect several members of the same family. If one of the parents has asthma, the risk of the child suffering from the disease is 25%. If the father and mother are asthmatic, the risk rises to about 50%.
  • The relationship with allergic processes is also very evident, being very common the association of asthma with other allergies, such as atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, etc. 
    Asthma Triggers
  • Obese patients, smokers, passive smokers, people whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, babies with low birth weight, people exposed to fire smoke, patients with gastroesophageal reflux, workers exposed to certain chemicals or in contact with pesticides also increase the risk of developing bronchial asthma.
  • Factors that trigger the asthma crisis: In general, in patients with asthma, asthma attacks are triggered by known factors that should be avoided whenever possible. In the vast majority of cases, the predisposing factors are substances inhaled by the air. Among the most common triggers of the asthma crisis are:

  1. Smoke.
  2. Cigarettes.
  3. Atmospheric pollution.
  4. Pollen.
  5. Dust.
  6. Hair of domestic animals.
  7. Mold
  8. Viral or bacterial infections of the respiratory tract.
  9. Strong smell of chemical products (paint, perfume, kerosene, etc.)
  10. Cold air.
  11. Mites.
  12. Environments with cockroaches.
  13. Allergy to certain foods (eggs, milk, peanuts, soy, seafood, dyes, etc.).
  14. Medications (aspirin, anti-inflammatories and beta-blockers).

  • ASTHMA INDUCED BY EXERCISE:- Some people develop asthma attacks after practicing physical activities. The name asthma induced by exercise is not the most appropriate, because it can lead to the false understanding that the exercises can cause asthma. In fact, physical activity can trigger an asthma attack in a previously asthmatic patient. Therefore, the most correct term is bronchospasm induced by exercise.
  • In most cases, the practice of physical exercises aggravates existing and symptomatic asthma. However, there are cases in which the patient’s asthma attacks after physical activity. The effort is the only trigger trigger of bronchospasm
  • Bronchospasm crises usually appear 10 to 15 minutes after the onset of moderate to intense activity. In general, the symptoms disappear after 30 minutes of rest. Physical activities performed in cold environments increase the risk of asthma induced by exercises.

  • The investigation of a patient with suspected asthma focuses, predominantly, on the evaluation of symptoms and tests that evaluate lung function. Other complementary tests, such as chest x-rays, blood tests and allergy tests, are useful in selected patients, but can not by itself establish or refute the diagnosis of asthma.
  • In children, mainly in children, asthma can be difficult to diagnose because many other respiratory diseases can cause similar symptoms and the tests described below are usually not suitable for children. In children, therefore, the pediatrician can opt for a therapeutic test if there is suspicion of asthma. If the symptoms improve with treatment for asthma, it is most likely that the child has asthma.
  • Spirometry: Spirometry is a study performed to evaluate how the lungs work. The test is very simple. For this, you must fill your lungs with air and then blow as quickly as possible into a mouthpiece connected to a computer. The spirometer evaluates two measures:

1- the volume of air that you can exhale in the first second of expiration, called forced expiratory volume in the first second or FEV1;
2- The total amount of air that you can exhale is called forced vital capacity or FVC.
To get a more reliable reading, the doctor may ask you to blow on the spirometer more than once. Once the doctor evaluates that the test was performed satisfactorily, he will compare the results with the reference values, which are average values ​​obtained by people of the same age, sex and height. In this way it is possible to evaluate signs of airway obstruction.
  • Maximum expiratory flow:- The peak expiratory flow meter, also called the peak flow meter, is a simpler alternative to evaluate the obstruction of the airways. The result obtained by the peak flow is called maximum expiratory flow (FEM). While in spirometry the patient must blow into a mouthpiece that is connected to a computer, the peak flow meter is a small handheld device, which can be kept at home and used to measure how quickly you can blow the air out of the air. the lungs in a single breath, short and explosive. As with spirometry, the results should be compared with the reference values. An improvement of at least 20% in the result after the use of bronchodilators speaks strongly in favour of asthma. This test, although simpler, requires a bit of practice to be done correctly and does not provide results as reliable as spirometry. Therefore, it ends up being more useful in the follow-up of patients who already have the diagnosis of asthma. As it can be done at home at any time, it is useful because it evaluates lung function throughout the day. Knowing the pattern of FEM helps the patient recognize when his asthma is getting worse. If the patient suspects there is an asthma trigger in his work, he can take the peak flow meter to work and compare the results before and after

Top Homeopathic Medicine For Asthma
Ashtma Homeopathy Treatment

  • Ipecac
  • Arsenicum
  • Bromine
  • Grindelia
  • Viscum album
  • Arsenicum
  • Ipecac
  • Nux vomica
  • Zingiber
  • Lycopodium
  • Carbo vegetabilis
  • Kali bichromicum
  • Kali carbonicum
  • Kali phosphoricum
  • Natrum sulphuricum
  • Antimonium tartaricum
  • Blatta orientalis
  • Moschus
  • Ambra grisea

  • Avoid the allergen you are allergic to.
  • Regular light Cardio exercise like yoga, brisk walk or jogging. Avoid heavy exercise as that can precipitate asthma attack.
  • Do breathing exercises so as to improve lung capacity. eg Yoga -pranayam exercise.
  • Do stress relieving meditation exercises or yoga to reduce the psychological factors related to asthma.
  • Eat well balanced diet.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Top Homeopathic Medicine For Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is also termed as EUPD- Emotionally unstable personality disorder, emotional intensity disorder, neurotic psychopathy. It is a mental disorder which impacts the way patient think and feel about himself and others, resulting in problems in day to day life.
In borderline personality disorder, patient have an intense fear of separation, and patient unable to tolerate being alone. But his inappropriate anger, frequent mood swings and impulsiveness may push his relatives and friends away.
Borderline personality disorder usually starts in early adulthood and is worse in young adulthood but it may get better gradually with age.
Many people with BPD get better over the time with classical Homeopathic treatment and can learn to have successful relationship, living life satisfactorily.
Causes- The causes of border line personality disorder are not fully recognized. BPD may be linked with environmental factors, history of child neglect or abuse and other factors as given below:-

To know more information visit us: Top homeopathy doctor in Delhi

1.      Genetics. Genetic family history contribute to approx 40% BPD cases. Few studies suggest that it has strongly associated with other mental condition among members of the same family.

2.      Brain abnormalities. Few research shown changes in certain location of brain involved in emotion regulation, aggression and impulsivity. It also can be due to mal functioning of certain brain chemicals which regulate mood, e.g. serotonin.

Borderline personality disorder’s signs and symptoms:

•         Sense of identity is disturbed
•         Patient has fear of abandonment, and adopts extreme measures to avoid real or                         imagined abandonment.
•         Thinking Black and white
•         Dangerous behavior with impulsivity, like gambling, driving recklessly, performing                   unsafe sexual activities, binge eating, drug abuse, suddenly quitting a well settled job              or ending a healthy relationship.
•         Disproportionate Intense emotional reactions to the situation
•         Unstable and chaotic inter personal relationships, idealizing one moment and then                    suddenly believing the person is cruel
•         Abrupt behavior of self damaging
•         Dissociation
•         Self image distorted
•         Self-damaging behavior
•         Depression
•         Anxiety
•         Anger or rage

BPD patients are very sensitivity to rejection with fear of possible abandonment. BPD features include sensitivity in patient’s relationships with others, its very difficult for patient to regulate his impulsivity and emotions. Patient is not sure of his own personal identity and morals. Paranoid thoughts during mental stress with depersonalization and dissociation.

Top Homeopathic Medicine For  Borderline Personality Disorder
Homeopathic treatment is very effective for treating borderline personality Disorder without any side effects. In Classical Homeopathy treatment medicine are selected on the basis of constitution, including both mental and physical as totality, individuality of the patient is accessed. Few important Homeopathy medicine are -

1.       ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 200- Antimonioum Crudum is effective  for patients of Borderline Personality Disorder who have no desire to live, who remain sad with weeping, have lost love for life and want to commit suicide.They are cross and contractive , whatever is done fails to give satisfaction.

2.      AURUM METALLICUM 200-Aurum met. is an effective remedy for depression and self hatred feeling in Borderline Personality Disorder. Aurummetallicum patients are very serious people, strongly focused on work and achievement, who become depressed if they feel they have failed in some way. Nervous breakdown.Thinks of committing suicide but fears death greatly.Disgusted of life and thoughts.Profound despondency.Peevish.Rapid and constant questioning without waiting for answers. Oversensitive to noise.Discouragement, self – reproach, humiliation and anger can lead to feelings of emptiness and worthlessness. The person may feel worse at night with nightmares or insomnia.

3.      CHAMOMILLA 200-- Chamomilla is one of the top   medicines for patients of Borderline Personality Disorder who easily get angry and quarrelsome without taking into account the feelings of the other person. The sudden outbursts of anger because of contradiction or when the feelings are hurt can be best managed by Homeopathic medicine Chamomilla. remedy is also of great help to patients who admit that they are unable to control their temper and those who want to do everything as per their wish and get angry if their wish is not fulfilled. In the childhood years the child wants something new in every minute and refuses it when offered. There is fever, diarrhea or cough or convulsions due to anger.

4.      BELLADONNA 200-Belladona is an effective  medicine for controlling impulsive patients who strike, bite and spit on the persons nearby with a red and hot face.

5.      CROCUS SATIVA 200-Crocus Sativus is an effective l Homeopathic medicine  for sudden mood changes in patients of Borderline Personality Disorder. The patient has a sudden and frequent change in mood from extreme happiness to sadness. The patient requiring  Crocus Sativus is joyous and affectionate in a specific moment and the very next moment unpredictably bursts out into anger. The patient very soon feels sorry for this behavior.Anger with violence alternating with fits of repentance.

6.      IGNATIA AMARA 200 - Ignatia Amara is another useful remedy for mood swings in Borderline Personality Disorder patients who are of a sensitive nature and find it very difficult to control their emotions. Their mood changes from laughing to weeping and from happiness to sadness in quick succession in a very short time.In Ignatia patients of Borderline Personality Disorder  have a history of some grief or disappointment in love affections prior to onset of the disease . They are having unbearable anger and headache following anger.
7.      LAC CANINUM 200- Lac Caninum is effective  for dealing with patients who feel hopeless, have a low opinion of themselves and feel no one is a friend. Such patients weep a lot and fear to be alone.

8.     LILIUM TIGRINUM 200- LiliumTigrinum is an effective remedy of great help for patients of Borderline Personality Disorder who get aroused from even a slight emotional excitement with palpitations of heart. Such patients are so irritable that they cannot utter a decent word to anybody even if the other person speaks in the mildest tone possible. The patients are known to sit for a long time thinking about themselves and don’t want to be disturbed. They get extremely irritated if disturbed and run away and even forcefully shut the doors.They fears that they are having some organic and incurable disease , so aimless and do things in an hurried manner, always keep busy.

9.      MOSCHUS 200-Moschus is another effective  medicine that is very beneficial in dealing with the sudden outbursts of anger in patients of Borderline Personality Disorder. The patients have sudden fits of anger and even scold others till their face turns blue and they faint and fall down. The sudden outbursts of anger are accompanied by trembling and uncontrollable laughter. Moschus is  also a effective  remedy for obstinate and self-willed persons who right from their childhood have the habit of getting each and every demand fulfilled by hook or by crook. This habit continues in advancing years and outbursts of anger increase in intensity if their desire or demand is not met.

10.  NUX VOMICA 200-NuxVomica is the top  Homeopathic medicine to deal with impulsive behaviour of Borderline Personality Disorder patients who are sensitive and want to force things according to will. If opposed, such patients have violent destructive impulses like an impulse in a woman to destroy her husband, to tear things and to throw her child.  NuxVomica patients  cannot even bear a chair to come in their way while walking and if such a situation arises, they just kick it to clear the way.They are very irritable and sensitive to all impressions.

11.   HEPAR SULPH 200-Hepar sulph is another remedy  of great help in controlling impulsive behaviour in Borderline Personality Disorder patients . These patient get disturbed easily with violent impulse to kill even the best friend, to put things on fire without any cause.The slightest issue irritates him.

12.  SEPIA 200-Sepia is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for patients of Borderline Personality Disorder who get irritated over no reason and feel sad. Such patients have an aversion to talk along with irritability. Only their own opinion matters for such patients and they cannot bear to be opposed. They are indifferent  to family and whom she loves best  and aversion to any work, be it mental or physical.

13.  STRAMONIUM 200-Stramonium is another remedy for impulsiveness when a patient tears clothes, curses and indulges in excessive screaming till the voice is lost. The condition gets worse in darkness, the patient likes light and company.

14.  STAPHYSAGRIA 200—Staphysagria have a tendency  towards destructiveness in Borderline Personality Disorder . This Homeopathic medicine is the best medicine for patients who control their anger but there after they become very destructive and violent and start throwing things.

15.   VALERIANA 200 -- Valeriana is also very effective  for dealing with sudden mood swings in patients of Borderline Personality Disorder who are excited easily with trembling and palpitations. The patients experience mood swings especially when resting and at night and feel better by walking. Hallucinations at night. The patient is very irritable.