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Get Freedom From Acne, Urticaria, Pityriasis Versicolor, Psoriasis, Leucoderma, Cellulitis, Boils, Warts, Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Corns, Alopecia, Dandruff, Allergies, Lichen planus, Genital warts, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), Nail problems, Keloid , Warts or Condylomata, Molluscum contagiosum, Freckles, Pigmentation

Treat Your Respiratory Ailments with Homeopathy

Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever or Allergic cold, Cold, Cough, Nasal polyps, Vertigo or Dizziness or Giddiness , Enlarged adenoids, Tonsillitis, Ear infection,Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Epistaxis/Nose bleeding.

Treat Your Gynecology Ailment with Homeopathy

Fibroadenoma Breast, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine fibroids or myomas

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Sunday 17 June 2018

5 Best Homeopathic Medicine For Fatty Liver

Liver is an important and the largest gland of the body. Liver helps in Metabolism, bile formation which helps in breaking digestion of fat. Sometimes the amount of fat in liver cells increases in unnecessary form, which we know as fatty liver. It is a serious problem that needs immediate treatment.  Lack of Exercise, Alcohol consumption, Fatty food and non-vegetarian food is the main cause of fatty liver.

Fatty liver symptoms

There is no specific problem seen in the early fatty liver, but later it has some special symptoms. Sudden lack of appetite, dysfunction, stomachache, nausea, decrease of body weight are seen. Pain in the stomach and lack of appetite is especially visible. This problem is usually found in people over 40 years of age. Due to fatty liver decreases the liver swelling and its ability to function. This can also cause jaundice.

Causes of Fatty liver

The main reason is consuming excessive alcohol. Fat start accumulating in the liver cells, alcohol reduces the functioning of liver by causing inflammation in the liver cells.
One of the main reasons for this is Genetic.
Obesity, people with diabetes, excessive cholesterol also have a major cause.
Some drugs, strong antibiotic, and hormonal changes of pregnant women also causes fatty liver.
Fat is more accumulated on the liver by consuming more fried food, consuming more oil, consuming more iron, and consuming non-vegetarian food regularly.

5 Best Homeopathic medicines of fatty liver

1. Nux Vomica 30 - This is a very good medicine for fatty liver. If patient drink lots of alcohol, drink plenty of oil and spices, take night's sleep, do not do physical work at all, and due to all these reasons, there are problems of fatty liver, then Nux Vomica is best suited, this medicine also benefits greatly in indigestion, gas and constipation.  Homeopathic Doctor In Delhi

2. Chelidonium majus q, this drug works to enhance and improve the cells of the liver. It works to remove excessive fat from the liver.

3. Chionanthus virginica q, this drug also works to eliminate excessive fat from the liver.

4. Phytolacca berry q, this drug removes fat cells and works to reduce obesity.

5. Natrum phosphoricum 12x - This is also a very good medicine for the liver. It is also given in jaundice. This medicine has 4-5 pills thrice in the mouth and mouth sucks.

Fatty liver will be completely cured by the use of above medicines. Minimize the consumption of oil and spices in the food and stop alcohol intake completely.

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Sunday 10 June 2018

Best Homeopathic Medicine For Asthma Treatment- Top Clinical Tips

Bronchial Asthma​ is a ​type​ of Respiratory ​allergy. Patient complaints​ of dyspnoea and constant ​suffocating cough . The main pathology involve behind these symptoms is chronic allergic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

  • Allergy: air, dust or smoke
  • Mental or emotional tension,
  • Constipation, 
  • Eating too much oily and refined food
  • Hereditary

Top Clinical Tips: For Asthma Homeopathy Treatment

  • Aconite30 and Ipecac30: Sudden abnormal attack, at the beginning of the disease - when there is discomfort and nausea - Give in Mother Tincture, alternately 10 drops in warm water alternately. Homeopathic Doctor In India

  • Arsenic Album 6 0r 30: Asthma aggravation, during night time, feels discomfort and patients take water in small sips. Full of mental anxiety and restlessness.

  • Blatta orientalis q + senega q + grindelia pentarkan q + cassia sophera q must be mixed in equal Quantity : To help the asthma patients, when he complaints as if breath is stopped, he can not breath properly 

  • Ipecac30: Nausea, chest pain, swelling of breath, clear tongue

  • Lachesis30: When menstrual flow increases with discomfort, ameliorates when the flux gets slightly, due to asthma in many cases during the menstruation period.

  • Aralia racemes 30: Discomfort after bedtime

  • Thuja 1m: If the disease occurs after taking steroid drugs, and the patient is cold

  • Thyroidinum 200 or 1m and Lachesis 30When the level of eosinophilus increases.

  • Sulfuricum acidum 30: Diseases or leads to pollution of vehicles or fumes of vehicles

  • Cannabis indic a 200: The patient can breathe only when he is straight

  • Gossypium 30: Asthmatic patient who sow cotton cloth or breaks are seen among those laborers

  • Silica 30: Asthma in the workers who cut stone

  • Ailanthus Glandulosa 30: Asthma due to the smell of flowers

  • Chamomilla 200: Anger rage increases the intensity of Asthma

  • Bromium 30: Sailors asthma fine while staying on ships in the sea and aggravation on the sea shore

  • Ignatia 30: Asthma aggravates due to stress or discomfort, increases from smoke

Biochemic Medicine -
  • Magnesia phos 6x and
  • Kali phos 6x