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Sunday 11 November 2018

Homeopathy Best For Ringworm I Daad I Mycosis I Tinea Cruris I Jock Itch Fungal Infection

Tinea cruris is the name given to fungal infection (Mycosis in groin), it is also termed as mycosis, fungal infection, tinea, dermatophytosis, and DAAD in local language. Daad is one of the most common fungal infection of the skin. Tinea Cruris (Daad) commonly affect, inguinal region- mainly inner thighs and buttocks. In this article we will cover following points:
  • Causes of mycosis in the groin?
  • How to get tinea cruris?
  • Symptoms of mycosis in the groin?
  • Treatment for groin fungus?


The superficial fungal infection of the skin termed as dermatophytosis or tinea. Fungus of genera Trichophyton , Microsporum or Epidermophyton .

Fungal infection can affect different areas of our body:

  • Tinea capitis: Fungal infection of Scalp.
  • Tinea pedis: Fungal infection of feets, It is the most commonest fungal infection, popularly known as chilblain.
  • Tinea barbae: Fungal infection of Beard.
  • Tinea unguium: Fungal infection of nails.
  • Tinea corporis: Fungal infection of trunk and limbs.
  • Tenia Cruris: Fungal infection of inguinal and genital region. It is the second most commonest fungal infection. 


Daad, ringworm in the genital region is caused by Trichophyton Rubrum.

The vast majority of cases of ringworm in the groin are caused by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum . This fungus is resident of the skin but does not cause disease, as our immune system help to keep it in control as long as our skin is clean and dry.

Tinea cruris is a transmittable infection, caused by infected towels, bedsheets or inner wear clothes.

Heat, humidity and absence of light are the most adequate conditions for the proliferation of mycoses.

The groin is very conducive to the occurrence of fungal infections, since, besides spending much of the day covered, it is a region of folds and hairs, which often remains moist and warm.


  •  Rashes with itching and redness in thr groin.
  • It start with a red colour plaque on the inner side of thighs, with demarcate edges.
  • The ringworm infection usually spread out in the form of circles.
  • In majourity of cases, ring worm patient also presents with tinea pedis.
  • In males, the scrotum and penis are usually not affected.This is an important detail as it helps in the distinction between tinea cruris and candidal infection, since candidiasis in the inguinal region in men often attacks the scrotal sac.

Scrap test and microscopically evaluation of the material.

TREATMENT OF MYCOSIS IN THE GROIN The treatment of mycosis in the groin can be done with antifungal ointments, many of them sold without a prescription. These antifungal contaion following antifungal: Terbinafine . Naftifine. Ketoconazole . Miconazole. Tioconazole. Clotrimazole . Oxiconazole. The last five substances have action against dermatophytes and candida.

Homeopathic for Ring worm Fungal Infection?

Homeopathic treatment is highly recommended for Ringworm fungal infection, as homeopathy treat the infection from its root, by boosting the self immunity of the patient suffering from.

Homeopathic medicine are very effective in treating Ringworm fungal infection.Permanent cure is ensue especially when Homeopathic medicine is prescribed based on classical protocols, with emphasis and consideration of underlying miasmatic background.
Miasm background of Ringworm fungal infection

Repeated unsuccessful cycles of effort


Characteristics of psora i.e. the struggle with anxiety about success,

Sycosis i.e. the fixity resulting from a feeling of inadequacy within oneself

Nosode Recomended:

Ringworm (scraping of Tinea capitis)

HOMEOPATHIC Medicine For RingWorm Fungal Infection
Classically selected Homeopathic medicine bases on Miasmatic background are effective for ringworm fungal infection. Few of the best Homeopathic medicine for ringworm, daad fungal infection are given below- 
  1. Tellurium
  2. Graphites
  3. Thuja occidentalis
  4. Chrysarobinum
  5. Sepia 
  6. Psorinum 
  7. Baryta carb 
  8. Arsenicum iodatum

How to Protect Yourself From Ring Worm Fungal Infection? 
  •  Local application of talcum powder in the groin region to keep that area dry helps to its recurrences.
  • Avoid hot baths and tight clothing.
  • Men should wear loose boxers.
  • Female should use only loose cotton panties and avoid tight jeans.
  • Patient should keep, the inguinal area very dry.
  • It is suggested to separate one towel to dry the infected area and another to the rest of the body.
  • Do not wear the same underwear after bathing 

Thursday 8 November 2018

Homeopathic Treatment For Herpes Simplex Virus: Cold Sores (Homeopathy)

Genital Herpes - Why Aura Homeopathy Is The Best Option For Herpes?

Herpes appears after a few days on the body part from where the virus has entered like vaginapenis, or the mouth. Herpes patient reports Other  condition which include fever, headache, body ache and difficulty in urination. The glands around the groin area also get swollen at times. As per Dr. Abhishek,  homeopathy medicines are safe and scientific. Herpes is a contagious disease and Aura provides best homeopathy medicine for herpes.  Homeopathy is very effective in treating herpes.
Best results can be seen by taking homeopathy medicines, which are extremely safe. There are no side effects caused by taking homeopathy medications, and these are of great use in eradicating genital herpes from the root. The genital herpes condition takes a long time to cure but homeopathy for herpes provides very effective and harmless medicine. As per Dr. Abhishek M.D (Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi India) best homeopathy medication for herpes treatment is Natrum Mur, useful for both men and women.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is characterized by the appearance of small blisters and painful ulcers in the genital region. Although similar, the herpes virus that causes lip lesion is different from the virus that causes genital lesion. Hence they are classified as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), which causes cold sores, and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), which causes genital herpes. Eventually, HSV-1 can cause genital injury and HSV-2 lesion on the lips.
It is estimated that 20 to 30% of the adult population is infected with HSV-2, although many of these do not show symptoms and are unaware that they are contaminated. 

A study conducted in New Delhi in 2006 showed that 28% of adults were infected with herpes simplex virus 2, but only 10% knew they had been infected. It is an infection that can be treated and controlled by classical homeopathy. Those who have had contact with herpes simplex virus 2 will be contaminated for the rest of their lives, and may or may not have recurrent symptoms of the infection.

Sign and symptoms- Genital Herpes

Most patients who become infected with the herpes simplex virus type 2 do not develop disease, remaining asymptomatic and without knowledge of the contagion. There are studies that suggest that up to 80% of patients infected do not develop symptoms.
In patients who develop symptoms, the clinical picture is divided into two situations: primary infection and recurrence.

Primary infection of genital herpes

The first time genital herpes lesions arise after the patient has been infected is called the primary infection.
The symptoms of genital herpes tend to develop within three to seven days after the sexual intercourse responsible for the infection, but in some cases can take up to two weeks.
The main sign of genital herpes are small blisters clustered in the genitals. Usually, the blisters appear and then rupture forming ulcers. In primary infection these lesions tend to be very painful. There may also be itching on the spot.
In addition to the typical herpes lesion, primary infection usually comes with other symptoms, such as fever, malaise, and body aches. Lymph nodes may appear in the groin area, and if the ulcers are near the urethral outlet, there may be severe pain when urinating.
In men, genital herpes sores usually appear on or near the penis. In women, the lesions may be visible outside the vagina, but they usually occur inside the vagina, where they are hidden. In the chaos of internal injuries, the only signs of illness can be vaginal discharge and / or discomfort during the sexual act. Genital herpes lesions can also arise anywhere in the perineum and around the anus of patients who perform anal sex.
Lesions in the primary genital herpes infection usually take 20 days to disappear.

Genital Herpes Recurrences

After the primary infection, genital herpes lesions disappear and remain silent for several months. In most patients, the infection resurfaces from time to time, in some cases more than once a year. 90% of patients present the first recurrence within 18 months after primary infection. Some may have more than 10 recurrences within a year. Patients who have frequent recurrences are those who have had a prolonged primary infection with initial herpes lesions lasting more than 1 month.
Recurrent lesions tend to be less painful and last about 10 days, half the time of primary infection. Other symptoms such as malaise or fever are not common. Over the years, recurrences have become weaker and less frequent.
Recurrences of genital herpes usually appear after some stressful event for the body. Among the most common are exaggerated physical exertion, emotional stress, illness, recent surgery, excessive sun exposure and immunosuppression. In some women the menstrual period can be the trigger. However, there are recurrences in which no triggering factor can be identified.
Days before the lesions recur, the patient may experience some warning symptoms, such as an itching in the big lips, a numbness in the penis or tingling in the genital region. Many patients are able to identify that a recurrence of genital herpes is on the way.
In some cases, the patient may not develop symptoms of primary infection soon after contamination, and they will only present ulcers after years after some event that reduces their immunity. In these cases, despite being the first appearance of the wounds, the disease behaves more as a recurrence than as a primary infection, being shorter and less painful. Symptoms such as fever and malaise are also not common. The problem is that since it is the first appearance of wounds, the patient tends to feel that he has recently been infected, and this has often caused problems in couples with stable relationships for years. In these situations it is very difficult to establish precisely when the patient was infected and who infected him.

Personal cares- Genital Herpes

In addition to Homeopathic medications, some home treatments can be used to relieve the symptoms of an outbreak of genital herpes. Sitz baths with cold water can temporarily decrease the pain of the wounds. Women who are having pain to urinate may feel less discomfort urinating during the shower or in a shower with warm water.
Soaps and foam baths should be avoided. It is also important to keep the genital area clean and dry, and avoid tight underwear. Creams and ointments are usually not recommended.

Homeopathic Treatment For Herpes Simplex Virus: Role of Homeopathic medicines in Treating Genital Herpes- Cold Sores (Homeopathy)
Genital Herpes is a transmittable disease at Aura we provide Best homeopathy treatment for Herpes in India, which is very effective in treating it. Amazing outcomes can be seen by using homeopathy medicines in a classical way, and the best part is, homeopathy medicines are 100% safe and natural. There are no side effects caused by taking homeopathy medications, and are of great use in eradicating the condition from the root. The intensity of the genital herpes condition takes a long time to wither and use of homeopathic medicine for herpes though provides slow results is very effective and harmless. The best homeopathic medicine for herpes treatment in both men and women, can only be prescribed on the basis of complete case taking, and proper individualization of case.

Few frequently used Homeopathic medicines for Treating Herpes Genitalis- Clod Sores include:

  1. Nitric acid, 
  2. Thuja Occidentalis, 
  3. Causticum, 
  4. Medorrhinum, 
  5. Silica 
  6. Nat mur