Good Result With No Side Effects

Get Freedom From Acne, Urticaria, Pityriasis Versicolor, Psoriasis, Leucoderma, Cellulitis, Boils, Warts, Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Corns, Alopecia, Dandruff, Allergies, Lichen planus, Genital warts, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), Nail problems, Keloid , Warts or Condylomata, Molluscum contagiosum, Freckles, Pigmentation

Treat Your Respiratory Ailments with Homeopathy

Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever or Allergic cold, Cold, Cough, Nasal polyps, Vertigo or Dizziness or Giddiness , Enlarged adenoids, Tonsillitis, Ear infection,Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Epistaxis/Nose bleeding.

Treat Your Gynecology Ailment with Homeopathy

Fibroadenoma Breast, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine fibroids or myomas

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Thursday 27 September 2018


Thyroid Symptoms, Homeopathic Treatment, Medicine- Complete Overview

Homeopathic Medicine are Best for Thyroid:
In the article we will discuss about Hypothyroidism and Best Homeopathic Medicine Hypothyroid. And Few Important asked Questions about Thyroid.

Hypothyroidism is a condition that arises due to poor functioning of thyroid gland. In this condition, thyroid gland produce less hormones than required to control the metabolism. It is one of the commonest disease of thyroid affecting 5-8% of the total population.

Thyroid and Its Function:

The thyroid produces two hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which act by regulating our metabolism, that is, the way the body uses and stores energy.

Hypothyroidism -

When the thyroid gland produces an Insufficient production of T3 and T4 leads to Hypothyroidism.
When there is little circulating thyroid hormone, the pituitary gland increases the secretion of TSH, giving order for a greater production of T3 and T4 by the thyroid. When there is a lot of circulating hormone, the pituitary gland decreases TSH secretion, discouraging the thyroid to produce T3 and T4. Thus, the organism is able to maintain always stable levels of T3 and T4, keeping our metabolism controlled. For More details about Hyperthyroidism visit us at Homeopathic Doctor In Delhi For Thyroid.

Primary Hypothyroidism is due to thyroid problem which prevents the secretion of the hormones
Secondary Hypothyroidism is due to problem in the pituitary gland which inhibits TSH secretion, hence inhibiting the production of T3 and T4 (secondary hypothyroidism). Therefore, primary hypothyroidism occurs due to thyroid defect and secondary hypothyroidism due to defect in the pituitary.

When the thyroid has a problem and begins to produce little hormone, the pituitary progressively increases its production of TSH to try to get around this deficit. Hence, in case of primary hypothyroidism TSH is elevated with low T4. If the problem is central, in the pituitary, we will find low TSH due to lack of secretion and a T4 also low because of lack of stimulation for its production. 95% of the cases of hypothyroidism are of primary origin. The main causes are Hashimoto's thyroiditis, surgical removal of the thyroid (thyroidectomy) and destruction of the gland by irradiation.


Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease , which occurs by destruction of the gland by our own antibodies.  Hashimoto's thyroiditis occurs as follows: For reasons not yet known, our body starts to produce antibodies against the thyroid gland itself. As the thyroid cells are being destroyed, the gland's ability to produce T4 and T3 goes down. As more cells die, more TSH is secreted from the pituitary gland to the point that the remaining cells are so few that they can no longer produce T3 and T4 needed to maintain a desired blood level. When the thyroid hormones are low, the symptoms of hypothyroidism begin to appear.


The main signs and symptoms of a poorly functioning thyroid are:

  • Increased thyroid volume, called goitre. 
  • Weakness, 
  • Easy fatigue. 
  • Cold intolerance
  • Decrease in sweating. 
  • Hair loss
  • Slight weight gain. 
  • Dry skin. 
  • Weak nails. 
  • Joint pain. 
  • Reduction of taste. 
  • Anemia. 
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. 
  • Constipation. 
  • Increased cholesterol. 
  • Changes in menstruation. 
  • Infertility. 
  • Erectile dysfunction. 
  • Loss of libido, Low Sex Power
  • Partial loss of eyebrow hairs. 
  • Hypertension.
  • Weight Gain

Important note
Hypothyroidism leads to weight gain, but NOT CAUSE OF OBESITY. It is very common for people to justify their obesity by hypothyroidism, when in fact this condition leads to the gain of only a few pounds, at most 5 or 6. In addition, weight gain is largely due to fluid retention and not gain fat. No one gains enough weight to become obese just because they have hypothyroidism.


The diagnosis is made with TSH, free T4 and thyroid antibodies (anti-TPO and anti-thyroglobulin).
TSH more than 4mU/L
Thyroid antibodies are positive (anti-TPO and anti-thyroglobulinindicates  Hashimoto's disease


Always consult a Qualified Homeopathic Doctor for good result. Classically selected Homeopathy medicine stimulate our body's healing processes. Classical Homeopathic doctor cure their patients on the basis of Indivisualisation, based on proper case taking, including physical, mental and emotional symptoms, Aura Homeopathic treatment is tailored as patient's individual needs. Few frequently used


  1. Nux Vomica
  2. Thyrodinum
  3. Iodium
  4. Natrum Muriaticum
  5. Lachesis Mutus
  6. Lycopodium
  7. Calcarea
Classically selected Homeopathic medicine, offer most effective and safe option for number of thyroid ailments. As homeopathic medicine are 100% safe, hence save you thyroid patients from unwanted side effects of allopathic prescription. The commonest disease related to the thyroid gland are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Homeopathy treat ailment permanently and safely without any side effect.


1. What is goitre?

Goiter, also known as chat, is a bulging of the neck region caused by enlarged thyroid volume. Goitre may occur in cases of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or thyroid nodules. Goiter Goiter 

2. What are the symptoms of goitre?

The goiter itself only causes symptoms if it is really too large and can compress the anatomical structures of the neck. But for this to happen, it needs to be really bulky. Goiters, like the one pictured above, for example, are not large enough to cause compressive symptoms, such as hoarseness or difficulty swallowing or breathing. 

3. What are the main causes of hypothyroidism?

Hashimoto's thyroiditis, iodine deficiency, surgical removal of the thyroid and destruction of the thyroid by radiation, as in cases of treatment of hyperthyroidism. 

4. I have gained a lot of weight over the past few years and I feel helpless. Can this be hypothyroidism?

It may, but it is often only a reflection of a sedentary lifestyle. Poor diet and lack of physical exercise cause weight gain and a sense of permanent laziness. Weight gain due toHypothyroidism is due to water retention and not due to fat accumulation. As already explained, it is very rare for hypothyroidism to cause obesity and the majority of overweight and thyroid dysfunction patients do not notice a large change in the percentage of fat after the control of hypothyroidism. 

5. What are normal TSH values?

TSH between 0.5 mU / L and 4.5 mU / L. Values below 0.5 mU / L suggest hyperthyroidism; values above 4.0 or 4.5 mU / L suggest hypothyroidism. 

6. What is subclinical hypothyroidism?

Patient having high TSH, but normal free T4, without any symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

7. What are anti-thyroglobulin and anti-TPO antibodies?

Anti-thyroglobulin and anti-TPO are autoantibodies that our body produces inappropriately against the thyroid. Positive in approx all cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism but with high titers of these antibodies have a high risk of developing into clinical hypothyroidism. 

8. Can hypothyroidism cause difficulty in getting pregnant?

Yes. Hypothyroidism changes the menstrual cycle and can cause infertility. And even if the patient can become pregnant, hypothyroidism increases the risk of miscarriage. In men, hypothyroidism can cause infertility by altering the morphology of sperm. 

9. Hypothyroidism causes sexual impotence in men?

Yes, besides causing decreased libido and difficulty in ejaculating. 

10. How long does hypothyroidism last?

In the vast majority of cases, the treatment is indefinite. Patients with hypothyroidism that heal over time are rare. 

11. My cholesterol is too high because of hypothyroidism. After starting treatment will it improve?


Monday 24 September 2018

best Homeopathic medicine for Alopecia-Hair fall-Baldness

The hair loss, known as baldness, in medicine term it is named as androgenic alopecia. Alopecia means hair loss, and androgenic refers to the influence of male hormones in the process. Many people find that baldness is a men's only problem, but in fact, definitive hair loss affects women in the same proportion. The difference is that, as female baldness is usually less intense and, therefore, more discreet, it is more easily camouflage. Homeopathy is always recommended as Best Homeopathic Treatment For Hair Loss. In this article we will discuss in details regarding Best Homeopathic Medicine For Hair Loss-Alopecia-Baldness. Homeopathy treatment is Tailored Medicine.

Hair are cylindrical structures composed of proteins, mainly keratin, that grow through the skin from hair follicles located in the deeper regions of the dermis. The whole body, except the palms and soles of the feet, have hair follicles and hairs.
The hairs have different characteristics and speed of growth in each place of the body, which is easily noticeable when comparing eyelashes, hairs, pubic hair and beard, for example. The scalp has, on average, 100,000 hairs, with an average growth of 1 to 2 cm per month.
Every day we lose approximately 75 to 100 hairs. Depending on the time of year, the stage of life and environmental factors, this loss may be even greater.

The hair's life cycle is divided into 3 phases:
1- Anagen or growth phase of hair. Lasts in average of 2 to 3 years, and can reach up to 7 years. 
2- Catagen or involution phase. It lasts only a few weeks, on average two or three. At this stage the hair stops growing and the follicle begins to regress. 
3- Telogen or release phase. Lasts 3 to 4 months. The hair loosens from the papilla and a new phase of growth begins.

                                                   Hair Growth Cycle
As the new hair grows, the old "dead" is pushed out of the hair follicle and falls. This process of growth and death occurs throughout the body with different speeds for each type of hair. Those that take a long time to grow end up falling before they get big. This cycle explains why some hairs never exceed certain sizes and because head hair rarely goes beyond the waistline, even if it is never cut.
Of the 100,000 hairs on your scalp at the moment, approximately 85% are in the growth phase, 5% in the involution phase and 10% in the fall phase.


Baldness or androgenic alopecia is caused by a shortening of the growth phase (anagen), by progressive thinning of the hair and by the reduction of the size of the follicles, causing the root to become more and more close to the surface of the skin.
This miniaturization of the follicle is a hereditary process mediated by male hormones. To be more exact, the problem occurs in those patients who overproduce an enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase, which transforms the male hormone testosterone into its dihydrotestosterone derivative. Genetic factors determine this overproduction.

Male pattern baldness

In women, androgenic alopecia is more diffuse on the scalp, but less intense. In general what happens is an intense thinning of the hair strands, which occurs mainly in the center and at the apex of the head. Complete baldness is rare in female.


There are several other causes for hair loss. Unlike baldness, they often cause localized and irregular losses. However, in diffuse cases they may resemble androgenic alopecia. Let's cite the most common causes:

A. Efluvio anagen is hair loss that occurs, for example, in chemotherapy, radiation therapy or poisoning with mercury.

B. Telogen effluvium: occurs as a side effect of various drugs, vitamin deficiencies, psychological stress or thyroid diseases.

C. Traumatic alopecia: occurs due to mechanical and / or chemical trauma to the hair. It may arise after some hair straightening techniques with repeated traction of it associated with the use of chemicals. Some people with nervous breakdowns can tear off their own hair and have this type of alopecia.

D. Alopecia areata: is an autoimmune disease where the body mistakenly produces antibodies against its hair follicles.

E. Tinea capitis : yeast infection of the scalp

F. Discoid lupus: it is a form of lupus that affects the skin preferentially

Investigation For Hair Loss:

  • ESR
  • CBC
  • Electrolytes
  • LFT
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Autoantibody profile and
  • Treponema pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA)
  • BIOPSY: Scalp biopsy direct immunofluorescence, to confirm lichen planus or discoid lupus erythematosus of the scalp.
Best Homeopathic Medicine For Hair Loss-Alopecia-Baldness
There are more that 88 homeopathic Medcine which can be use to treat HairFall and other hair and Skin related disease, including Seborrhoic Dermatitis, Dandruff, Alopecia areata, Grey Hair, Diffuse hair loss, etc. Homeopathic Treatment is tailoired made, hence correct medicine is based on indivudialised case study of each and every patient. The treatment of male pattern baldness is based on following homeopathic medicine:


1. HAIR, general, head and body – falling out, of hair – childbirth, after: Calcarea,Cantheris, Carbo veg, hepar, Lycopodium Natrum mur, Nitric acid, Phosphoricacid,sepia, silicea, Sulphar. 

2. HAIR, general, head and body – falling out, of hair – diseases, after: lyc. manc. Ph-ac.thal. 

3. HAIR, general, head and body – falling out, of hair – grief, from:Ph-ac. 

4. HAIR, general, head and body – falling out, of hair – pregnancy, during  LACH. Sep. 

5. Pregnancy – CONFINEMENT, general, puerperal – hair, loss: Nat-m. Sep. 

6. Breasts – BREAST-feeding, general – hair falls out: Nat-m. Ph-ac. sep.

7. HEAD – FALLING out, hair, alopecia – toxicemia, from: crot-h. 
1. HAIRFALL, head & body – falling of hair – menopause: Sepia.
2. HAIR, general, head and body – loss, of hair – temples, from: calc. Kali-c. lyc. merc. Nat-m. par. sabin. 
3. HAIR, general, head and body – falling out, of hair – vertex: bar-c. graph. lyc. thuj. zinc. 
4. HAIR, general, head and body – loss, of hair – forehead, from: ars. bell. Hep. Merc.Nat-m. Phos. sil. 
5. FEMALE – FALLING out, hair: alum. Belladona, Calc-flour, Helliborous, Mercurius, Natrum carb, Natrum mur, Nitric acid, Phosphoric acid, Rhus tox, Selenium, Sulphar, Thal. Zinc. 
6. HEAD – FALLING out, hair, alopecia – climacteric period, in:LYC. SEP.
1. HAIR, general, head and body – baldness, head – spots, in: Apis Ars. Calc. calc-p. carb-an. FL-AC. Hep. Phos. Psor.
2. HEAD – FALLING out, hair, alopecia – spots, in, alopecia areata: APIS ARS. CALC. CANTH. FL-AC. HEP. IOD. PHOS.. PSOR.
1. [Outer Head]Eruption: Tinea capitis (crusta lactea, scald head):Filthy, two-thirds of scalp one, mass of inflammation: Ustilago maydis
2. HAIR, general, head and body – baldness, head – patches, in: Apis Ars. Calcaria,calcaria phos, carbo animalis, floric acid, Graphitis, Hepar, kali-phos. Lycopodium, morg, Phosphorus, psorinum, sepia. 
3. HAIR, general, head and body – brittleness: arsenic, badiaga, belladonna, borax, floric acid, graphitis, Kali-carb, plumbum, Psorinum, Sepia, staphy, thuja.
1. HEAD – FALLING out, hair, alopecia – injury, from:hyper.
2. [Complete] Mind – PULL, desires to, one’s hair: ars. BELL. Cina cupr. lach. Lil-t. med. mez. tarent. tub.
1. HAIR, general, head and body – falling out, of hair – spots, in – and comes in white: vinc. 
2. HEAD – FALLING out, hair, alopecia – syphilis, from: ARSENIC, aurum, carbo-veg, cinnb, FLORIC-ACID, graphitis, HEPAR, kali-iod, lycopodium, mercurius, merc-f., NITRIC-ACID, PHOSPHORUS, sulphar. 
3. Skin – LICHEN, planus: agar. anac. Ant-c. apis Ars. Ars-i. chinin-ar. iod. Jug-c. Kali-bi. kali-i. led. merc. sars. staph. Sul-i. 
4. Skin – LUPUS erythematosum: ARS. LYC. NIT-AC.THUJ. 
5. Skin – LUPUS erythematosum – lupus, vulgaris:  Ars. Ars-i.  Aur-m  Cist.    Hep.Hydr. Hydrc. Sulph. Tub. 
6. Diseases – CANCER, general – skin, cancer, epithelioma: ARS-I.. CON. LYC. SOL 
7. Diseases – SCLERODERMA, skin: alum. Antium crud. Argenticum nitricum, berberis aqu, Bryonia, Calcarea, causticum, Croton tig, Echinacea, Graphitis, Hydrc,lycopodium, petr., phosphorus, rananculus-bulbosa, rhus-r, sarsaparilla, silicia, still., sulphar, thiosinum, Thyr. 
8. Skin – ERUPTIONS – morphea: ars. Phos. sil.
9. Diseases – RADIATION, sickness, side effects: ars. CADM-S. calc-f. chin. fl-ac. Ip. nux-v. phos. rad-br. SOL x-ray
If you have hair loss, seek a local qualified Homeopath doctor so he can decide the best treatment strategy for your case. Do not self-medicate. Remember that both finasteride and minoxidil have side effects and contraindications. In addition, there are several other causes for hair loss besides androgenic alopecia, which should be treated as per your constitution.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Homeopathic Medicine For Immunity during Rainy Season

Homeopathy medicine are considered to be best for enhancing the immune system of our body, there by preventing various respiratory infection due to viral infection, sore throat, Fever, Cold, Cough, Diarrohea, etc. These disease may be due to a number of viruses- including influenza virus and para influenza virus, and at times due to various bacterial infection. 

The change in weather leads to fluctuation in temperature, is the chief cause of watery nose, sneezing, tonsillitis, cold, nasal blockage, rhinitis and flu during the Monsoon season. Our immune system further get weak during rainy season which becomes vulnerable to cold, cough and flu.

•Complaints < before rainy season : Phos
•Rainy Season > : Caust
•Fever due to getting wet in rain : Aran, Dulc, Nat- Sulph, Rhust , Calc, Fer
•Pain < in Rainy weather : Tearing pain: Thuja, Neuralgic pain : Medo
•Rheumatic joint pain < : Rhod, Meli
•Toothache : Nat-c
•Earache : Nux-v
•Corn < rain : Borax
•Itching scalp rainy season : Mag-c
•Wet ground; ailments from sitting : Caust.,  Ars., Dulc., calc., nat-s., rhod., Nux-v., Rhus-t., sil.
•Getting wet when heated : Rhus-t., bell-p.
•Wet getting during perspiration: Acon., ars., ant-c., Bry., Bell-p., con., calc., Colch., Clem., Dulc., nat-s., nat-c., Nux-m., Sep., RHUS-T., Verat-v
•     Sneezing after getting wet : Ocimum Sanctum
·       Coryza after getting wet : Puls., sep., Rhus-t. 
•Pain in throat aggravated in wet weather: CALC., Hep., Dulc., kola lach., Rhus-t., phos., sacch-a.
       •Eruption on face after getting wet: Euphrasia
       •Dry Nasal obstruction : Kali-phos
•     Conjunctivitis in eyes after getting wet : Rhus-t
       • Headache aggravated after getting wet: CALC., Bell.,  Colch., Led., Dulc., Nat-m., Phos.,Rhus-t., nux-m., Puls., Sep.
       • Stiffness in wrist : Rhus-t
       • Pain in wrist: Rhod
       •Urine scanty : Colch
       •Soreness of throat : Calc., Hep., Dulc., Rhus-t.
       •Tooth ache from getting wet: Calc., rhus-t., LACH.
       •Fever after getting wet: Calc., RHUS-T., Puls.
       •Bell’s palsy after getting wet : Caust
       • Mastitis after getting wet : Phyt
       •Meningitis after getting wet : Rhus-t 
• Fevers – Infection, Viral with fever : Ars., acon., Bapt., bry., bell., Carc., Merc., Gels., ph-ac., nat-m., rhus-t.
•Fever- Dengue : Apis, Acon., aran., arum-t., ars., bapt

       • Fever with heat with dengue fever = Aconite, Gels., Eup.Per., Bry., Rhus-Tox., aran., arum-t., rhus-v., sanic, Podo, ham, Sec., bapt., sul-ac., Ferr., ip.,Apis, canth., coloc., chin., Bell., merc., Nux-v., ars.
       • 1st stage dengue fever: Ars., Acon., ip., Bry., rhus-t
       • Hemorrhagic dengue fever: hamamelis, sul-ac, sec, ferr, Ars., chin.
Source : Homeopathic repertories including Kent, Synthesis, Murphy and Complete repertory.

Low immunity in children can be addressed very safely with Homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy medicine are capable of reducing intensity, frequency and duration of suffering. As per Dr.Abhishek regular steam is strongly recommended at home. It also control recurrent bouts of croup, nasal blockage, sinusitis, chest congestion, etc. Homeopathy works on the main pathology and hence it is very effective in boosting the immune system of the child. 

When you should visit a qualified homeopathy doctor?
Usually children with mild cough, cold having no breathing problem may recover on there own. 
But if your child complaints of difficulty in breathing, dyspnoea, wheezing in chest or difficulty in swallowing, do visit your homeopathic Doctor.