Good Result With No Side Effects

Get Freedom From Acne, Urticaria, Pityriasis Versicolor, Psoriasis, Leucoderma, Cellulitis, Boils, Warts, Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Corns, Alopecia, Dandruff, Allergies, Lichen planus, Genital warts, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), Nail problems, Keloid , Warts or Condylomata, Molluscum contagiosum, Freckles, Pigmentation

Treat Your Respiratory Ailments with Homeopathy

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Sunday 24 October 2021

Gallstones Natural Treatment and Homeopathy

Gallbladder stones occur when bile, the fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, gradually solidifies into stones. It may happen that there is only one or that there are several and that they are of different sizes. It is not easy for you to identify yourself that you have this problem because the symptoms vary from one person to another and there may even be no pain. For this reason, as soon as a picture of several of the signs that we will see below is given, it is necessary to go to the doctor to make a complete review, diagnose the problem and offer the best treatment in each case.

However, something that is always possible to do, especially as a reinforcement of medical treatment, is to follow a natural treatment to eliminate gallstones . 

As per Dr. Abhishek Kasana M.D – An Expert Homeopathy Doctor in India, homeopathy medicine can be opt for single gall stone. In last few years gastric issues has increased multi-folds. More and more patients are visiting us for acidity, gastritis, heartburn, gallstones, constipation and indigestion consultation.

Symptoms of gallbladder stones

Gallstones can occur due to various factors or causes such as poorly treated diabetes, improper diet, genetics, liver cirrhosis, problems in the production of bile acids and bilirubin and even taking some medications. As soon as we feel a little bad, we present several symptoms or due to a routine medical check-up, we have to go to our doctor to check us and say if we have a health problem or not and what to do.

In this case, you will have to pay attention to the following symptoms if you want to know how to know if you have gallstones :

·         Abdominal pain or biliary colic

·         Pain under the right shoulder blade

·         Fever

·         Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eye

·         Sickness

·         Vomiting

Keep in mind that there are cases that can proceed without any pain. The only sure way to know is for a doctor to do the proper tests and diagnose the problem. In addition, there are several types of gallstones, so only a doctor can prescribe the best treatment in each case.

Types of gallbladder stones

·         Pigmentary stones : also called bilirubin stones, as it is the substance with which they are produced and gives them this characteristic yellowish color. Although they are not usually very large in size, they are usually formed in large quantities.

·         Cholesterol stones: these are the most common and occur when there is excess cholesterol in the bile and / or when the gallbladder does not empty well. They are usually yellowish to greenish in tone and are usually the largest.

·         Mixed stones: they are composed of calcium, cholesterol, bilirubinate salts and other pigments.

Pay attention to the following sections if you want to know how to remove gallstones without surgery, with a natural treatment, although this should always be supervised by your doctor. Take note of all these home remedies for gallstones and decide with the help of your doctor which one is the best for you.

Home remedies for gallstones: apple cider vinegar

To begin to explain how to break and expel gallbladder stones naturally, we suggest that you consult your doctor if apple cider vinegar is suitable for you to complete your treatment or, if they are few and / or small, yes just this natural product would suffice.

Apples themselves and apple cider vinegar are full of nutrients that act to dissolve the stones little by little and regulate the liver function of production of bile and cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of these stones. Specifically, malic acid is the one that most enhances this property.

Taking apples daily, a large glass of water with 2 tablespoons of diluted apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach and drinking apple juice for gallstones are the best options, although it is also possible to take advantage of their properties by including these fruits in different recipes. To enhance the effect, you can also dilute the vinegar of this fruit in the juice or juice itself, instead of in water.

Home remedies for gallbladder stones: citrus juices

Another of the best ways to improve this health problem is to include citrus in your diet. If you are still wondering how to remove gallstones naturally? You will be interested to know how much you can eat some citrus fruits as well as drink the juices from it. The fibers, citric acid and pectin contained in these fruits are ideal for treating gallstones. It is best to drink orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime juices , alone or mixed with each other or with other good fruits, such as apples.

It is advisable to take at least one of these juices a day, up to a maximum of three a day, although a medical check will always be necessary to check the effect and not overdo it.

Natural treatment to eliminate gallbladder stones: medicinal plants

Among the best ways to naturally treat gallbladder stones, we find that some medicinal plants are very suitable for this. These are herbs that have properties to stimulate hepatocytes, the cells responsible for producing bile, as well as cholagogue properties, that is, they help expel the bile retained in the gallbladder. In addition, they are detoxifying and diuretic plants that help eliminate toxins since the body naturally expels retained waste, something positive to end up expelling gallstones.

The best medicinal plants to eliminate gallstones are the following:

·         Artichoke

·         Dandelion

·         Boldo

·         Would smoke

·         Milk thistle

·         Rosemary

·         Linden

·         Greater celandine

You can take infusions, capsules and supplements or add them in some recipes of our meals daily. It is recommended to take the amounts that are specified on the package, if any and / or those indicated by the doctor in each case, usually as a reinforcement of medical treatment.

Feeding for gallbladder stones

In addition to the home remedies already mentioned, it is also indicated as part of the natural treatment in these cases to include food to eliminate gallstones in our daily food dishes. Some of the best foods for this are:

·         Radishes

·         Endives

·         Chicory

·         Artichokes

·         Turmeric

·         Honey

·         Virgin olive oil

·         Tangerines

·         Mangoes

These are foods that, thanks to their composition, have properties that help the body to break down and expel gallstones . Mainly, it is the dietary fibers, antioxidants and detoxifying properties of these foods that help achieve this effect in the body.

Homeopathy For Gallstones Treatment

Another natural treatment option to remove gallbladder stones is homeopathy. Among the homeopathic products most used to help the body dissolve gallstones, the following stand out, as they have positive effects on both the liver and the gallbladder:

·         Chelidonium majus

·         Carduus marianus

·         Baryta carbonica

·         Berberis

·         Conium maculatum

·         Fel tauri

·         Elemuy

·         Nux vomica

·         Carbo animalis

·         Bryonia alba

·         Medorrhinum

·         Kali bichromicum

·         Thuja occidentalis

·         Cholesterinum

·         Calcarea carbonica

·         Natrum sulphuricum

·         Lycopodium clavatum

The doses of each product and the duration of this natural treatment must be indicated by a specialist individually to each patient, always taking into account other possible conditions that he suffers. To read more about Best Homeopathy Medicine For Gallstones

This article is merely informative, we invite you to visit the Best Homeopathy doctor in India for the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Natural treatment to eliminate gallstones , we recommend that you can read:- 

Homeopathy for gallstones Treatment

Saturday 23 October 2021

Asthma and Homeopathy Treatment In India

Asthma and Homeopathy Treatment In India
It is estimated that this respiratory condition affects more than 200 million people in the world and more than 12 million in India. We invite you to know more about him, his care with Homeopathy and the care that must be taken in the face of the covid-19 pandemic.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by obstruction of the entry and exit of air into the lungs, which can lead to coughing , wheezing, and serious breathing difficulties .

In this condition, the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchi and bronchioles) tend to become inflamed, which are very sensitive to environmental stimuli such as weather, dust, pollution, volatile chemicals (solvents, paints, cleaners) or a food, although this reaction can also be triggered by an allergy, intense physical effort or a moment of anxiety.

Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that 18 percent of the Indian population suffers from asthma, Likewise, it is estimated that there are about 235 million patients with this condition worldwide. The group most affected are girls and boys up to 14 years of age, apparently because they are more exposed to respiratory infections and allergies.

Deep look Into Symptoms of Asthma

The symptoms of this condition vary in each person and can appear for various causes (environmental, allergies, food, stress). The most common are:

  • Pain or tightness in the chest
  • Cough (in children this can lead to vomiting).
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Wheezing and noise when breathing (wheezing).
  • Breathing faster than usual.
  • Nervousness and restlessness

Classifiocation of Asthma: Likewise, asthma can be classified into four basic categories, according to the severity of its manifestations:

  • Mild intermittent. Symptoms appear up to twice a week and up to two nights a month.
  • Mild persistent. They occur more than twice a week, but no more than once a day.
  • Persistent moderate. They occur once a day and more than one night a week.
  • Persistent severe. Symptoms occur throughout the day, every day, and are frequent at night.
  • Severe asthma attacks can be life threatening. Signs that prompt medical help should be sought are:
  • Bluish colored lips and face.
  • Mental confusion and severe drowsiness during an asthma attack.
  • Extreme shortness of breath.
  • Rapid pulse
  • Intense anxiety due to shortness of breath.
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Breathing stops temporarily.

Patient care and Diagnosis of Asthma

Asthma is usually diagnosed through observation of symptoms and physical examination, and there are tests that can support the doctor's judgment, such as spirometry, which assesses lung capacity and function; X-rays and CT scans, allergy tests, and cold or exercise provocation tests can also be considered.

Once this condition is confirmed, a treatment and change of habits should be established aimed at controlling the inflammation of the respiratory tract, limiting exposure to substances that can trigger the symptoms and helping the patient to carry out their usual activities without having asthma symptoms. Some steps to follow are:

  • Practice breathing exercises regularly. This will help you to have a better reaction in the event of a crisis, as it allows you to control air flow and anxiety.
  • Avoid cigarette smoking and smoky places. Tobacco is an asthma trigger, as it increases bronchial inflammation.
  • Play sports with caution. Performing warm-up and stretching exercises allows the airways to prepare for exertion.
  • Adherence to treatment. Following the doctor's instructions and self-care guidelines is essential to have a good quality of life.
  • Generate an emergency plan. The doctor can help distinguish a serious crisis, prescribe medicine for emergencies, and define when to seek help from emergency services.

Asthma care, In the times of covid-19

People with moderate to severe asthma are at increased risk of complications from SARS-CoV-2 infection , as it can affect the nose, throat, and lungs, as well as trigger asthma attacks; This can also lead to pneumonia, so it is important to take preventive measures such as the following:

  • Do not stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor or change your asthma treatment plan.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.
  • Have a reserve of medications for treatment, for at least 30 days.
  • Stay home as long as possible.
  • In case of going out, wear a mask in public settings and when contacting people with whom you do not live regularly.
  • Properly manage stress during confinement to avoid heavy breathing (hyperventilation), which can lead to asthma attacks.

Asthma and Homeopathy Treatment

As per Dr. Abhishek Kasana M.D – An Expert Homeopathy Doctor in India, homeopathy medicine is Best for Bronchial Asthma and other allergies treatment. In last few years even the number of respiratory allergies has increased multi-folds in children. More and more patients are visiting us for allergies and Asthma consultation.

So the answer is Yes!! Asthma is curable, and homeopathy is Best treatment option for asthma. 

Although conventional medications are widely used to control asthma, we must point out that corticosteroids (used in respiratory crises) could affect children and have a negative effect on growth. This is one of the reasons why homeopathic doctors widely recommend the use of their treatments, which are effective and much safer. In that sense, we recommend that you take into account that:

  1. As we often mention, homeopathic medicines are very safe and effective, practically free of side effects when prescribed and used correctly.
  2. These remedies can be used with other types of drugs.
  3. Through a well-developed strategy, homeopathic medicines can reduce the dose of conventional medicines and thus their adverse effects.
  4. Patients who use Homeopathy report to their doctors a decrease in the severity and frequency of their crises, achieving a notable improvement in their quality of life.
  5. As we have pointed out, there are different factors involved in asthma. Homeopathy has medicines that act globally, taking care of the various factors involved in the disease, and helps the immune system to modulate and work properly.

Best Homeopathy Medicine For Asthma Treatment: Some of the remedies that can be used to care for the patient with asthma are: Aralia racemosa , Kali carboniucum , Arsenicum album , Lachesis trigonocephalus , Drosera rotundifolia , Datura stramonium , Antimonium tartaricum , Kalium carbonicum , Ipecacuana , Blatta orientalis , Grindelia robusta , Lobelia inflata , Staphysagria and Ignatia amara .

However, it should be remembered that the maximum benefits of Homeopathy are achieved by consulting with an expert in the field; In this way, an accurate diagnosis will be made and an individualized treatment will be prescribed, especially since, as mentioned, the manifestations are different in each person. Our recommendations are, then: visit the Best homeopathy doctor nearby to receive the best care and adhere to the treatment indicated.