Good Result With No Side Effects

Get Freedom From Acne, Urticaria, Pityriasis Versicolor, Psoriasis, Leucoderma, Cellulitis, Boils, Warts, Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Corns, Alopecia, Dandruff, Allergies, Lichen planus, Genital warts, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), Nail problems, Keloid , Warts or Condylomata, Molluscum contagiosum, Freckles, Pigmentation

Treat Your Respiratory Ailments with Homeopathy

Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever or Allergic cold, Cold, Cough, Nasal polyps, Vertigo or Dizziness or Giddiness , Enlarged adenoids, Tonsillitis, Ear infection,Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Epistaxis/Nose bleeding.

Treat Your Gynecology Ailment with Homeopathy

Fibroadenoma Breast, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine fibroids or myomas

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Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Shingles and homeopathic Treatment In Delhi India

        Shingles and homeopathy                          Treatment

The most important Herpes viruses that can cause infections in humans are herpes Simplex-1 (the cause of the cold sores), Herpes Simplex-2 (genital herpes infections), the Cytomegalie virus, the Epstein-Barr virus (Pfeiffer's disease) and the Varicella zoster virus.
This Varicella zoster virus first causes chickenpox at a young age, then dives into a nerve node, and lives up one more time later: via the nerve that runs from the nerve node to a corresponding strip of skin, the zoster virus crawls out for a burning cause itchy skin rashes with blisters, the "shingles".
Regular treatment For Shingles / Herpes Virus?
In addition to any local itching medicines, medication with Aciclovir (Zovirax) is only considered necessary for shingles in extra-dangerous places (the eye, the ear) and in patients who have poor immune function; the extremely annoying and prolonged post-pain that sometimes occurs with shingles can be treated with Tryptizol.

Best Homeopathic treatment of shingles / Herpes Virus?
The essence of homeopathy is that we look for a medicine that exactly fits the individual patient; the place where the shingles are located on the body is important (is it on the left or right side, on the chest or around the eye, etc.), but also the possible circumstances that contributed to the origin of the shingles are important .
A few Best homeopathic medicines for Shingles Treatment / Herpes Virus:
Cistus : shingles with extremely cold-sensitive people, who often have problems with throat and sinus.
Iris versicolor : usually right-sided shingles in a period of mental exhaustion; suits people who may also suffer from migraine, psoriasis and bowel complaints.
Mezereum : an important agent for eczema on the scalp; shingles with blisters containing sticky moisture, shingles with facial pain.
Ranunculus bulbosus : shingles with a change to cold, humid weather or after a period of large alcohol consumption; suits people who can be extremely angry about the laziness of others.
Rhus toxicodendron : the most important remedy in homeopathy for muscle complaints, but also for left-sided herpes infections such as shingles.
A number of specific homeopathic remedies are available for long-term post-pain after shingles:
Iris versicolor, Kalmia latifolia and Magnesium phosphoricum are especially suitable for right-sided pains.
Cedron, Spigelia and Verbascum help especially with left-sided pains.
Self-medication for shingles
Shingles is less suitable for self-treatment. As per Our team Of Best Homeopathic Doctor In Delhi For Herpes Treatmentr, never self medicate and consult your Homeopathic doctor first near you. Homeopathic medicine is best for viral disease like herpes, warts, molluscum, etc treatment.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Molluscum contagiosum Homeopathy Treatment In Delhi

Molluscum contagiosum Homeopathy Treatment: Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infectious disease which is caused by Molluscipoxvirus which belong to the family of poxviruses. This family of viruses also produces diseases in animals, but molluscum contagiosum only occurs in people.

Best Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi For Skin Disease

But what is molluscum contagiosum?

It is a skin infection of Viral origin. The molluscum contagiosum begin as a small, painless bump that can grow into a nodule of flesh color and pearly appearance. The bump frequently has a dimple in the center which gives it an umbilised appearance and is approximately 2 to 5 millimeters wide and usually, there is no inflammation or redness unless the lesions are scratched.

Scratching or other types of irritation make the virus, and therefore the lesions, spread.
It is a common infection in children and occurs when a child comes into direct contact with a skin lesion or an object that has the virus in it. This disease mainly affects children under 10, sexually active adults and patients with very low defenses where it can be especially severe.
In most cases, the infection is seen on the face, neck, armpits, arms, buttocks and hands although it can occur anywhere on the body. They are rarely identified in the palms and soles of the feet or mucous membranes.

In adults , lesions are frequently seen on the genitals as they can spread through sexual contact, the abdomen and the inner thigh. In the genital area they can be confused with those caused by the herpes simplex virus or genital warts but unlike herpes, they do not hurt.
Usually the diagnosis is based primarily on the clinic, in the aspect of the lesions.

In people with a normal immune system they usually heal spontaneously between a few months and several years. However, the lesions can spread before disappearing and pruritus can become a significant problem, especially in children with atopic dermatitis (in more than 25%). Over time they disappear without leaving scars , unless there has been excessive scratching that can leave marks.
“Homeopathic medicines For Molluscum, are safe, avoid relapses, do not cause uneasiness or rejection in the child and it can be used at any age”

How is it spread?

The molluscum infection can be acquire through contact with contaminated objects, such as towels, clothes or toys.
The Molluscipoxvirus can also spreads through sexual contact. The first lesions on the genitals can be mistakenly taken as herpes or wart. As per Dr. Abhishek Kasana Homeopathic Doctor In India, we can differentiate molluscum and Herpes. As unlike herpes, molluscum skin lesions are painless.

How can we prevent it?

Molluscum contagiosum is spread by direct and indirect contact. 
Avoid direct contact with skin lesions of person suffering from molluscum contagiosum. 
Do not share towels, razors or makeup with others.
Female and male condoms cannot guarantee that a couple's contagious molluscum is not contracted, since the virus may be in areas not covered by the condom. In fact, the incidence of molluscum contagiosum as a sexually transmitted disease in young adults is increasing. Condoms should be used every time a sexual partner's health status is unknown, as they reduce the chances of acquiring or spreading molluscum contagiosum and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Can there be complications?

Fundamentally of two types:
Persistence, dissemination or recurrence of lesions
Secondary bacterial skin infections
Conditions such as pruritis, aesthetic issues or the pressure of teachers in schools to avoid infection to other children, makes parents worry for its treatment.


The choice of treatment will depend on several factors , especially the patient's age (and their willingness to collaborate), the number of injuries (it is not the same to have 3 injuries as 50), and the location of the lesions (in face or genitals treatment can be more complicated).
Individual lesions can be removed with minor surgery by scraping with an uncomfortable surgical instrument or by electrosurgery, also by freezing with liquid nitrogen or with laser. In general, in these actions the previous application of an anesthetic cream is advised.
Topical treatments based on salicylic acid, potassium hydroxide, cantaridine and others that can cause stinging and should not contact eyes or mucous membranes can also be performed.
In practice, a first-intention attempt is made with a chemical treatment, to subsequently resort to scraping if the lesions cannot be controlled or spread .
Recently, more natural products based on essential oils and with very encouraging results have appeared.


Within the different options of first intention of the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, we must not fail to refer to homeopathic medicines , which are safe, prevent relapses, do not cause discomfort in the child and we can use them at any age.
In my personal experience it is a good treatment that the child accepts and tolerates perfectly and is effective. It avoids us having to act on each of the lesions and leaves out the possibility of adverse effects of conventional treatment.


Homeopathic medications such as DULCAMARA, THUYA, CINNABARIS or MEDORRHINUM, etc are very useful. Molluscum lesions disappear within a period of time ranging from 3 week to 6 months depending on the extent.

Homeopathic treatment is best for Skin problem among the various holistic and natural treatment options available. As Homeopathy medicines are completely safe and natural, hence it is considered to be the Best treatment option for children, infants, kids, toddlers and older kids. Due to its popularity, it is becoming the most preferred system of medicine for Skin Disease in India.
Homoeopathic Medicine are effective in treating various skin ailments. Whether it is Skin Allergies, Pityriasis Versicolor or Fungal Infection, Urticaria or Nettle rash or hives, Leucoderma or White patches or Vitiligo), Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Molluscum Contagiosum, Condylomata or Warts, Corns, Alopecia, Lichen planus, psoriasis, etc.

Best Homeopathic Treatment In Delhi For Skin
Homoeopathic medicine can manage all of them. As per Dr. Abhishek Kasana (Homeopathy Doctor in India) Homeopathic medicine helps in increasing immunity, by increasing child's natural defenses.
If we use conventional approach for skin problems it happens that, a number of skin disease treatments are not very effective, aggressive and, with lots of side effects . So more and more skin patients are comfortable or open for other options such as Homeopathy treatment for skin disease.
As per Indian Homeopathic Doctor For Skin, Dr.Abhishek Kasana- homeopathic treatment is of great help in multiple health ailments including skin disease. Some of these skin problems are difficult to treat because of their chronicity, poor response to usual medications or even the absence of effective alternative treatments.
In childhood , many frequent health problems manifest in the skin, and in most of them homeopathic medicines are a good option for their effectiveness and safety.
The atopic dermatitis, molluscum contagiosum (especially when lesions are multiple or recurrent) and diaper dermatitis are examples of dermatological problems that respond to homeopathic treatment.
Our Team of Best homeopathic doctors for Skin have experience in treating these types of skin problems. In fact, these skin diseases along with respiratory allergies, are the most frequent reasons for visiting an homeopathic expert. As per Dr. Abhishek (Homeopathy Doctor In India) on many occasions skin and respiratory problems emerge together and homeopathic treatment is helpful to solve both.

About the Author

                                                           Dr. Abhishek Kasana M.D
In my private practice I have had the wonderful experience of listening, understanding and treating many patients with homeopathic medicines and I have felt really useful.
My areas of priority interest have been Homeopathy and dermatology, various skin ailments. Whether it is Skin Allergies, Pityriasis Versicolor or Fungal Infection, Urticaria or Nettle rash or hives, Leucoderma or White patches or Vitiligo), Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Molluscum Contagiosum, Condylomata or Warts, Corns, Alopecia, Lichen planus, psoriasis, etc., chronic diseases, and auto-immune disease.
Homeopathy has given me the opportunity to meet excellent professionals and people, help many patients and provide me with the most powerful tools for a doctor: humility, common sense, active listening and safe and effective drugs.

Saturday, 8 February 2020

What is leukoplakia? | Homeopathy Doctor Delhi I India

Leukoplakia is a disease of the mucous membranes of the mouth that is characterized by the appearance of thick white or gray patches on the gums, inside the cheeks and sometimes on the tongue. Sometimes it can be a sign of cancer in the mouth. It usually affects only adults. It can be confused with oral candidiasis.
Causes of leukoplakia


It is unknown what causes white and thick patches of leukoplakia. It is believed to be due to chronic irritation from smoking, moistened or chewed tobacco. Other causes that lead to leukoplakia are: irregular, broken or rough teeth that rub against the surface of the tongue, prostheses that are not well fitted and alcoholism.
Types of leukoplakia:
- Classic leukoplakia. White or grayish patches and thick mouth.
- Spotted leukoplakia. White patches mixed with red dots. It can be a sign of mouth cancer.
- Hairy or hairy leukoplakia. Hairy patches that primarily affect people with compromised immune systems such as those affected by HIV or by Eipstein-Barr infection.

Symptoms of leukoplakia

Mouth patches

The symptoms of leukoplakia are very visible: thick white or grayish patches with uneven contours with relief and hard surface that appear on the gums, inside the cheeks and sometimes on the tongue. The patches are painful when tasting acidic or spicy foods.

Diagnosis of leukoplakia

Oral exam and biopsy

Knowing the risk factors and habits of the patient, the visual examination of the mouth and trying to clean the patches will be the first step of the diagnosis. To rule out or confirm a symptom of mouth cancer, a biopsy is usually done to remove a sample of tissue that will be sent to the laboratory.

Homeopathy Treatment of leukoplakia

Role of Aura Homeopathy in leukoplakia:
As per Indian Homeopathy Doctor, Dr.Abhishek, allopathically leukoplakia can only be surgically removed. But even after removing it surgically tendency of its re-occurance is always present. On the other hand Aura Homeopathy India is fully capable of controlling leukoplakia with out any surgical intervention. As homeopathy treatment of leukoplakia helps to increase the immunity of an individual hence best selected Homeopathic medicine decrease the progress to leukoplakia and it also reduce the risk factor of developing oral cancer. Best Homeopathy Medicine For Leukoplakia is selected on the basis of proper case taking and indivudializing the case.

How homeopathy treatment For Leukoplakia is helpful?

  • Aura Homeopathy slowly-slowly removes leukoplakia. The size of the lesions reduce in size with the course of medicine.
  • Aura Homeopathy medicine stops its further development as it treats the problem from the root.
  • Aura Homeopathy treatment reduce its chances of developing into cancer.
  • As per Dr. Abhishek, Indian Homeopathy Doctor - Best approach to treat oral leukoplakia is to Classical Homeopathy.

Patch Removal
The patches can be removed by laser or cryoprobe (freezing). Antiviral drugs may also be prescribed and, above all, follow a periodic stomatological control.

Leukoplakia prevention

No Smoking

Quitting tobacco is the main measure against leukoplakia. It is also recommended to go to the dentist to treat teeth roughness or correct defects in dental prostheses.