When It Comes To Braving The Elements, Your Skin Does A Lot Of Work To Protect The Rest Of Your Body From Sunlight, Bacteria, Fungi, Microscopic Bugs, And More. It’s No Wonder That Skin Conditions Are Often So Frustratingly Visible.
The Good News Is That It Has A Built-In Alarm System To Visually Alert You When There’s An Issue. It’s Pretty Hard To Ignore An Itchy Bug Bite Or Swelling Hives. Even Dry Or Flaky Skin Can Clue You In That Something’s Off.
We Talk With Homeopath And Dermatologist Dr. Abhishek Kasana About 6 Of The Most Common Skin Disease. They’re All Totally Normal – And In Most Cases, Easy To Treat.
- Acne
What It Looks Like: Whiteheads, Cysts, Blackheads, And Zits.
Where You Get It: Face, Back, Arms, Chest, Butt, Shoulders.
What Causes It: Bacteria, Buildup Of Dead Skin Due To Lack Of Exfoliation, And Hormones.
Allopathy Treatments:
Over-The-Counter Products With Benzoyl Peroxide.
Topical Creams, Gels, And Lotions With Antimicrobial Or Retinoid Ingredients Such As Clindamycin, Sulphur Washes, Adapalene, Differin, Retin-A, And Tretinoin.
Oral Antibiotics And Medications Like Doxycycline, Minocycline, And Accutane, For Anyone With Painful Cystic Acne Or People In Their 20s Or 30s Who’ve Tried Everything And Still Can’t Get Rid Of Their Acne.
Laser, Microdermabrasion, And Chemical Peels.
Aura Homoeopathic Clinic Work On The Main Pathology Or The Root Cause Of Any Disease. As Per Homeopathy Acne Is Due To Underlying Miasmatic Influence And Imbalance Of Vital Principle. Classical Homeopathy Treatment At Aura Homeopathy Gently Stimulating The Vital Force, Strengthening It Naturally And Completes The Healing Process With The Help Of Similimum – Well Selected Homeopathic Medicine.
As Per Dr.Abhishek Acne Occur Because Of Hormonal Changes Or Functional Change In Our Body, Which Are Psoric In Nature. Acne Can Be Treated Successfully With Antipsoric Homeopathic Medicine.
- Eczema (Dermatitis)
What It Looks Like: Dry, Itchy, Red Skin.
Where You Get It: Crooks Of Your Arms, Backs Of Your Knees, Hands, Feet. What Causes It: Family Genetics. Allergic Reaction To Things Like Poison Ivy, Fragrances, Or Nickel. Chronic Use Of Harsh Agents Like Hair Dye Or Soap.
Allopathy Treatments: Hydrocortisone 1% But Not Typically Recommended By Dermatologists, Since Long-Term Use Can Cause Other Skin Problems Like Stretch Marks.
Topical Steroids To Treat A Flare-Up, Or Non-Steroidal Creams Like Protopic, Ucrisa, And Elidel For Preventive Day-To-Day.
Homeopathy Medicine For Eczema:
SKIN – Eczema
Aethi-M. Aln. Alum. Anac. Ant-C. Anthraco. Arb. Ars. Ars-I. Berb. Berb-A. Borx. Bov. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-Ac. Carb-V. Castor-Eq. Caust. Chrysar. Cic. Clem. Com. Con. Crot-T. Dulc. Euph. Fl-Ac. Frax. Fuli. Graph. Hep. Hippoz. Hydrc. Jug-C. Kali-Ar. Kali-M. Kreos. Lyc. Mang-Act. Merc. Merc-C. Merc-D. Merc-Pr-R. Mez. Mur-Ac. Nat-Ar. Nat-M. Nux-V. Olnd. Petr. Pilo. Plb. Podo. Prim-V. Psor. Rhus-T. Rhus-V. Sars. Sep. Skook. Sul-I. Sulph. Thuj. Tub. Ust. Vinc. Viol-T. X-Ray Xero.
SKIN – Eczema – Behind Ears
Ars. Arund. Bov. Chrysar. Graph. Hep. Jug-R. Kali-M. Lyc. Mez. Olnd. Petr. Psor. Rhus-T. Sanic. Scroph-N. Sep. Staph. Tub.
SKIN – Eczema – Of – Face
Anac. Ant-C. Bac. Calc. Carb-Ac. Cic. Coloc. Corn. Crot-T. Hyper. Kali-Ar. Led. Merc-Pr-R. Psor. Rhus-T. Sep. Staph. Sul-I. Sulph. Vinc.
What It Looks Like: Scaly Skin, White Flakey Skin, Or Severe Dryness. People With Psoriasis May Also Suffer From Other Conditions Such As Joint Pain, Obesity, Autoimmune Disorders, Or Cardiovascular Disease.
Where You Get It: Knees, Elbows, Butt. In Severe Cases, All Over The Body.
What Causes It: Unknown.
When To See A Doctor: As Soon As You Notice Something. Your Doctor Can Establish A Baseline For Your Condition, Help Monitor Any Other Conditions That Go Along With Psoriasis, And Reduce Your Flare-Ups And Symptoms.
Allopathy Treatment: Topical Medications Such As Steroids, Maintenance Vitamin D (Dovonex), Tar, Protopic, And Foundational Emollients.
Otezla Prophylaxis, If The Surface Area Is Too Large To Treat With Topical Medications.
Antibody Injections Every 1-3 Months To Sop Up Extra Proteins.
Light Therapy With UVB Light To Suppress Inflammation.
Homeopathy Medicine For Psoriasis:
Repertorial Approach
Complete Repertory:
Head, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis Of Scalp: Pitu-A
Face, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis Around Eyebrows: 2Phosphorus
Male Sexual, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Penis: 1 Graphitis, Red-Br, Sepia
Male Sexual, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Penis Prepuce: 2Sepia, 1 Graphitis
Male Sexual, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Patches: 2 Nitric-Acid, 2 Petroleum, 1 Thuja
Back, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Patches: 2 Mezerium, 1 Calcarea, 1 Kali-Ars
Extrimities, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Upper Limbs: 2 Iris, 2 Kali, 1 Kali-Ars, 1 Rhus-Tox, 1 Silicea
Extremities, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Elbow, Patches: 2 Iris, 1 Kali-Sul, 2 Phosphorus, 1 Kali-Ars, 1 Morg-G
Extrimities, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Hand Psorisis, Diffusa: 3 Petroleum, 2 Arsenic, 2 Calcarea, 2 Chamomila, 2 Graphitis, 2 Kali- 2 Lyco, 2 Rhus-Tox, 2 Sulph.
Extremities, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Hand Back Of Chronic: 3 Graphitis, 3 Petroleum, 2 Arsenic, 2 Lycopodium, 2 Maland, 2 Phosphorus, 2 Rhus-Tox, 2 Sulphar,
Extremities, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis, Hand Palm: 3 Phosphorus, 2 Clema, 2 Hepar, 2 Lyco, 2 Mur-Acid, 2 Natrum-S,
SKIN, ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis: 3 Arsenic-Iod, 3 Lycopodium, 3 Marg-G, 3 Phyt, 3 Sepia, 3 Staph, 3 Thyr., 2 Ars, 2 Calcarea, 2 Cantheris, 2chin, 2 Chrysar, 2clem, 2 Graphitis, 2 Iris, 2 Kali-Br, 2 Kali-C, 2lob, 2 Mang, 2 Mezerium, 2nitric-Acid, 2 Petroleum, 2 Phosphorus, 2 Psorinum, 2 Pulsatila, 2 Rhus-Tox, 2 Sars, 2 Silicea, 2 Sulphar
Skin,ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis,Syphilis: 3 Arsenic-Iod, 3 Mercurius, 3 Phyt, 2 Cor-R, 2 Graphitis, 2 Kali-Bi, 2 Nitric-Acid, 2 Phosphorus, 2 Sars.
Skin,ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis,Diffusa: 2 Graphitis, 2 Mezerium, 2 Pulsatila
Skin,ERUPTIONS, Psoriasis,Inveterate: 2 Kali-Ars, 2 Mang, 2 Sepia, Silicea
Phatak’s Repertory Of The BIOCHEMIC REMEDIES:
Skin PSORIASIS: Calcarea Sulp, Kali- Phos, Kali Sulp; Natrum Mur, SILICEA
Inveterate: SILICEA.
A Concise Repertory Of Homeopathic Medicines By Dr.S.R.PHATAK :
ERUPTIONS: Psoriasis: Ars-Iod, Clemetris, Dulcamara, Grapitis, Pho, Ranan-Bul, Sepia, Sulphar, Berberis-Aq, Bor, Kali-Mur+,Mang, Mercurius, Phyto, Psorinum, Radm, Thyr, Tuber+
Itching Without: Cupric-Ac
Scales, Shining+: Iris
- Skin Cancer
What It Looks Like: Moles, Skin Growths That Change Over Time, Or Cuts/Sunburns/Ingrown Hairs That Take A Long Time To Heal.
Types Of Skin Cancer: Basal And Squamous Skin Cancer Caused By Sun Exposure. People With Fair Skin, Light Eyes, And Freckles Are More At Risk. Melanoma, A More Serious Type Of Skin Cancer Found In Moles That May Change Shape Over Time. You Can Track Your Moles Over Time Using The ABCDE Evaluation Rubric (Asymmetrical Shape, Border, Color, Diameter, And Evolution).
Where You Get It: Anywhere.
What Causes It: Genetics And Sun Exposure.
When To See A Doctor: Dr.Abhishek Recommends An Annual Skin Check With A Dermatologist. During These Visits, Your Doctor May Take Samples Or Remove Moles If Anything Looks Suspicious. Prior To Your Skin Check, It’s A Good Idea To Talk To Your Family Members To Learn About Any History Of Melanoma To Help Your Doctor Determine Your Risk Of Developing Skin Cancer.
Allopathy Treatment: Early Recognition And Detection Are The Only Options To Effectively Treat Skin Cancer. Seeing A Doctor As Soon As You Notice An Irregular Growth May Decrease Risk Of Metastasis Of Skin Cancer To Other Areas Of The Body. The Earlier You Catch Skin Cancer, The Smaller Your Lesions, Which Means That You’ll Have Smaller Scars When You Get Treatment. There Are Also More Non-Surgical Options For Early Skin Cancers.
Homeopathic Treatment: Aura Homoeopathic Clinic Work On The Main Pathology Or The Root Cause Of Any Disease. As Per Homeopathy Mole Is Due To Underlying Miasmatic Influence And Imbalance Of Vital Principle. Classical Homeopathy Treatment At Aura Homeopathy Gently Stimulating The Vital Force, Strengthening It Naturally And Completes The Healing Process With The Help Of Similimum – Well Selected Homeopathic Medicine.
- Rosacea
What It Looks Like: Redness In Your Face, Especially When Drinking Or Embarrassed. In Severe Cases, Papules Or Pustules Near The Cheekbones As Well.
Where You Get It: Face.
What Causes It: Basel Model Instability In Your Facial Blood Vessels. Demodex, A Microscopic Mite That Lives On The Surface Of Your Skin.
Allopathy Treatment: Topical Solutions Such As Ivermectin To Kill The Demodex. For Less Severe Rosacea, Oxymetazoline To Stabilize Basel Motors.
Homeopathy Treatment: Aura Homoeopathic Clinic Work On The Main Pathology Or The Root Cause Of Any Disease. Classical Homeopathy Treatment At Aura Homeopathy Gently Stimulating The Vital Force, Strengthening It Naturally And Completes The Healing Process With The Help Of Similimum – Well Selected Homeopathic Medicine.
- Warts
What They Look Like: A Cluster Of Rough Bumps, Or A Single Nub That’s Raised And Textured.
Where You Get Them: Anywhere, Including Your Genitals.
What Causes Them: Viruses Contracted From Skin-To-Skin Contact.
When To See A Doctor: As Soon As You Notice Something To Prevent Spreading The Virus. Genital Warts May Cause Cervical Cancer And Are Easily Passed From One Partner To Another. They Need To Be Biopsied To Determine If They’re HPV1 Or HPV2, A Higher-Risk Virus That May Lead To Cancer.
Allopathy Treatment: Topical Creams And Solutions Such As Aldara Or Salicylic Acid, Which May Debride The Wart. In-Office Removal By Freezing, Cutting, Or Lasering.
Injection Of A Chemo Agent Called Bleomycin.
Immuno Smart Bomb Targeting With Candida (Aka Yeast), Which May Be Injected Into The Wart. Because Your Body Naturally Fights Yeast, It May Also Kill The Wart That’s Been Injected With It.
Parting Words If You Notice Something’s Up With Your Skin, It’s A Good Idea To Call Your Dermatologist. While Most Of These Common Skin Conditions Aren’t Life-Threatening, The Sooner You Seek Treatment, The Faster You’ll Find Relief.
Homeopathy Treatment For Warts: To Begin With, The Homeopathic Medicine Have Been Used Since The Time Of Worthy Dr.Hahnemann To Cure Different Types Of Warts. The Specific Individualized Homeopathic Medicine Is Selected Based On The Symptomatic Pattern.
- Urticaria
Pathologically Urticaria Is Due To Activation Of Basophils And Mast Cells, Which Are Also Termed Ascells Of The Skin Immune System.These Cells Are Responsible For The Release Of Numerous Chemical Mediators, Including Histamine, A Substance That Causes Vasodilation, Itching, Swelling Of The Skin And Angioedema.
Few Patients Are Hypersenstive To Few Food Products, Smell Or Chemical, Etc. Due To The Oversensitivity, They Produce Certain Allergic Reaction Which Lead To Different Skin Disease. Our Master Dr. Hahnemann Has Expressed Regarding Urticaria In Organon, Aphorism No.-117, Sixth Edition.
In Aphorism 117 Our Master Emphasizes About Idiosyncrasy. He Says That It Is A Unusual Earthly Charter Which Otherwise Healthy Posses A Disposition To Be Brought Into More Or Less Morbid State By Certain Things Which Seem To Produce No Impression And No Change In Many Other Individuals.
Miasmatic Interpretation
Allergic Reactions Are The Indication Of Psoric And Pseudo-Psoric Miasms. The Skin Manifestation Including Skin Eruption, Itching Are Proven Manifestation Of Primary Psora, Also Hypersensitivity Reaction At Physical And Mental Level. Hypersensitive Reaction To Certain Ingestants, Inhalants Etc Are Coming Under Psoric Miasm. Hence Skin Allergies Comes Under Psora, But When Our Body Gets Tired And Feeble And Hyper Reacts It Points Towards Tubercular Miasm. Hence Skin Allergies Can Come To Both Posra And Tubercular Miasm
Author: Dr. Abhishek Kasana C.M.D Aura Homeopathic Clinic -India
Author: Dr.Abhishek Kasana, MD Homeopathy, B.H.M.S, C.F.N-Delhi, D.I Hom(United Kingdom), P.G.D.P.H Chennai
The author, Dr. Abhishek kasana, is the lead Homeopathic consultant at www.aurahomeopathy.com . His valuable legacy is presented in different blogs, where you can find how to alleviate problems with Homeopathic treatment.
Related Articles by the Author:
Dr. Abhishek Kasana Is Owner Of Aura Homeopathy Clinic India, MD Homeopathy, Fellowship In Dermatology And Ex Chief Consultant At Bakson’s Homeopathy. Dr. Abhishek Particular Expertise Is In Skin Disease And Allergies.
Aura Homeopathy Clinic India – Skin Disease – Dermatology And Homeopathy
Homeopathy Treatment For Skin Disease: Number Of Case Study Shows Homeopathy Treatment Is Found To Be Very Useful In The Treatment Of Various Skin Disease Incuding, Pityriasis Rosea, Eczema, Tenia- Ring worm , Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, Verucca Vulgaris, Psoriasis, Warts, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Molluscum, Acne, Herpes, Urticaria- Hives, Skin allergy, Pigmentation And Melasma. Aura Homeopathy Clinic Also Published A Number Case Study Of Patients With Different Skin Disease.
Web Source: Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi – India
ReplyDeleteI suffered hsv2 for 6yrs because of my addiction to porn, this faithful day I sex this tall Asian stripper by the name Yon on her red blood, with condom no breakage the next day I started noticing this discomfort on my testis and thigh I couldn't bear it I went for test which came out hsv2 +ve then I know I'm in. I struggled I did everything humanly possible to get a cure for over five years with no reasonable solution. Last year I started introducing more natural stuffs to my system then became more interested in nature. I realised that everything natural has a purpose and God made them to serve a purpose. I repented and asked God for forgiveness because he alone can deliver me of this impurity. I searched blogs, websites, more on God and nature. Early this year I met this herbal DR Utu contact on how he have successfully cured people of their diseases problems, I copied his contacts to give him a trial, I'm determined to be cured, Nature is broad so I know there must be a cure somewhere no matter what it cost or what I will see. Lo and behold he was my last. He prepared and sent me herbs which within two days of use I started noticing rapid change in my system after days of used he asked me how I was doing and I replied pretty well, weeks later he said go for test. I can't wait to confirm this herbalist claim I did test the following day I did the second test to clear doubts and still hsv2 -ve. I can't keep silent when many are out there believing there is no cure. To confirm this cure for your self contact DR UTU on his direct digit whatsapp . +2347032718477 you can still email him on drutuherbalcure@gmail. com
There are many people out there who never know of this just as I share do same, If you are HSV lucky for you to see this. Don't keep quite. Be of good conscience also help a sufferer reach him by sharing this.
I am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
Deletediagnosed tinnitus ringing ears with … I though about my Family, I know my Family will
face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
family. email him on traditionalherbalhealingcentre@gmail.com OR contact his whatsapp number:
4. ALS
My problem with herpes has caused me many traumas, especially on my sex life. I have suffered the embarrassment of going to medical consultation and they could not find a definitive solution to my problem.
ReplyDeleteThe solution came when I found peoples comments on how they got rid of their herpes permanently using traditional herbs, mostly Dr Utu Traditional herbs. I purchased this herbs from Dr Utu
spent four weeks using this traditional cure and my herpes completely disappeared. It has given me back my social and sexual life and I'm very happy. I recommend this cure to all people who want to eliminate herpes from their body forever and his contacts, drutuherbalcure@gmail.com
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTraditional Herbs that I used to cure my Genital herpes
ReplyDeleteMost fake doctors online will claim to have total cure for the virus and they will end up scamming you, I was once a victim of that because I was desperate in getting rid of the diseases and the outbreaks, I was referred to a traditional Herbal doctor whose name was Ahmed Usman a traditional Herbs roots specialist who has lots of experience on Herbal roots through a health blogger page with lot of series of his patient testimony that were cured from different diseases with the doctor email attached to the testimony, I contacted him with the email I found on the testimony and after much deliberation and few questions, he prepared the Herbal medicine which he sent to me through DHL service and with his prescription for 21 days the outbreaks that I have were cured and after concluding the Herbal Medicine I went for another Herpes test with my result Negative with no trace of the virus in my blood. Doctor Ahmed Usman is real and his treatment is very affordable and safe for all, you can reach him on his official email; drahmedusman5104@gmail.com he said he has herbal Cure for Breast Cancer, Fibroid and diabetes.
I agree!
ReplyDeleteIt worked for me years ago when I was depressed with herpes. After trying numerous other methods, It was actually an old Ibo lady who brought to my notice the healing effect of natural medicine (roots and herbs). She too has been permanently cured from HERPES long time ago through one Dr Utu at "drutuherbalcure@gmail.com".
Dr Utu specialises in African roots and herbs for medicine. Apparently roots and herbs have well been known as effective key treatment for herpes. Well she introduced me to Dr Utu who till date remain my savior, and he truly cleared my doubt. After taking his meds on the fourth week, I contacted him again who asked me to go for test and I was negative. From then till now I do my normal business no outbreak. I may not be a herbal fan but it definitely worked for me!
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ReplyDeleteGreatest thanks to Dr Oyagu for his herbal drugs that he prepared for me and when i start using it in just 2weeks i was completely cured and that ended my HERPES SIMPLEX 1&2 DISEASE i am so happy and grateful to Dr Oyagu . after reading about him on a testimony of Jason Cash on a blogger. i knew suddenly Dr Oyagu was the right Doctor to cure my HERPES SIMPLEX 1&2 DISEASE. i discuss with Dr Oyagu and he prepared a herbal medicine for me and when it got sent to me in south korean . i used the herbal medicine and 2weeks and i went to check up again. after 15years of suffering from HERPES SIMPLEX 1&2 at last i am smiling once again. Dr Oyagu also has remedy to others disease like COLD SORES,HIV/AIDS,DIABETES.CANCER,HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND MANY MORE. I oblige everyone to contact this powerful herbalist Dr Oyagu and be free from your suffering. contact his WhatsApp line:+2348101755322 or his Email via dr.Oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life
became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the
symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family
run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave
up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the
doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but
they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making
it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I
came across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhota
cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought
it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details
provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me
his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two
weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms
disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I was
NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DR
Ebhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on
telling the world about you. If you are going through same
situation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota via
drebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.
he also special on cureing 1. HIV/AIDS2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4.
ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus
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Skin disease problem like stretch mark is big problem in all women, for that Herbal Oil For Stretch Marks is really useful for us.
ReplyDeleteI am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
ReplyDeletediagnosed tinnitus ringing ears with … I though about my Family, I know my Family will
face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
family. email him on traditionalherbalhealingcentre@gmail.com OR contact his whatsapp number:
4. ALS
First, I want to complement this site administrator for creating this platform I frequently get cold sores(which lasts for 5-6 days on my lips and its painful both physically and mentally) .. As a bodybuilder, I basically get outbreak due to the daily pressure and heat in the body.. Recently I stumbled upon my salvation. I found a herbal remedy to cure hsv completely, in just 4weeks ..
ReplyDeleteI got to know about Dr Utu after seeing a lady's testimony online. I reached the doctor and I ordered for herpes herbal medicine. He sent the herbs to me and I started making use of them. In just 2days, the cold sores are cleared. 4weeks after medication, I went to the hospital for test of cold sores and it was completely NEGATIVE.
By following every prescription, i was able to cure my cold sore in less than 4weeks. 100% natural herbs no after effect.
Note: Please do let others know if this work for you.
The doctor's email is drutuherbalcure@gmail.com
Note : follow all instructions accordingly..
If you are sure that you have benefited from this African herbs be courageous to inform others.
Thanks in advance
I’m recommending Dr Uromi to everyone who have herpes simplex virus to get the cure from him. I was diagnose of genital herpes in 2018 and i have been searching and asking questions to see if i could get something to cure the disease because i did not believe what the doctors say that no cure is found yet. I came across a comment on Youtube and the person testify how she was cured from herpes and hpv after using Dr Uromi herbal medicine. I quickly contact Dr Uromi and explain my problem to him and he prepare the herbs and send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and tell me to go for checkup after usage which i did after two weeks of taken the herbal medicine and my result was NEGATIVE. I waited another month and retested the result was still NEGATIVE and my doctor told me that am completely free from herpes. Am so happy and grateful to Dr Uromi for what he has done for me and i will continue to share this for people out there to know that there is cure for herpes. You can contact Dr Uromi on email and WhatsApp to get the cure from him. Email:Druromiherbalhome@gmail.com and WhatsApp +2349021374574.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank Ultimate Life Clinic for reversing my father's Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). My father’s ALS condition was fast deteriorating before he started on the ALS Herbal medicine treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic. He was on the treatment for just 6 months and we never thought my father will recover so soon. He has gained some weight in the past months and he is able to walk with no support. You can reach them through there website www.ultimatelifeclinic.com
ReplyDeleteFINALLY FREE FROM THE HERPES VIRUS. what a miracle I never believe there is a cure because my doctor tested me positive for herpes and she told me that there is no cure, I am very happy today that I have a free life without this herpes virus, I can remember a few months ago when I cried at night and day that I can't cure this herpes, I found this herbal man called Dr. Odion on the internet, when I was doing research to treat shingles, I contacted him to find out if I could get it help from this herpes virus, i was so surprised when he told me that he cures herbs and he sent me the herb in less than 5 days, i was so happy when i get someone who gives me hope that he can cure me . I took the herbs for only 2 weeks, when I went for a test, after I took the herbs, I realized that I was cured, I was so happy and surprised, I want to use this opportunity to inform you that there is a cured herpes virus that you can also contact him for help as soon as possible so you can get rid of this herpes once and for all all you can contact him with this email: drodionherbalhome12@gmail.com or whatsApp with him on +2349019421176 You can also so contact him for any disease and virus as he has herbal remedies. 1 HIV / AIDS /HERPES / CANCER / HEPATITIS 6 DIABETES / HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, ..... THANK YOU DR.
ReplyDeleteI panicked when I saw the first sore. The medicines couldn't heal the sores completely, my whole life I was entirely desperate. Till I found the natural permanent cure for herpes through Nze Njoku Herbal Home, I felt like I was born-again. You can get rid of herpes from now on, too..
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I'm Anna, and I'm happy to share my story of overcoming oral and genital herpes. For four years, I lived with these debilitating conditions, spending my fortune on medication and waiting for the inevitable outbreaks. My life was a constant cycle of pain, fear, and anxiety.
ReplyDeleteI tried everything to manage my symptoms, from antiviral medications to home remedies. But no matter what I did, the outbreaks kept coming. I felt like I was losing control of my life, and I didn't know where to turn.
One day, while searching online for a solution, I stumbled upon Dr. Utu's herbal cure. I was skeptical at first, but something deep inside of me asked me to go for it. I decided to take a chance and email him at "drutuherbalcure@gmail.com".
Dr. Utu responded promptly, and we began discussing my condition. He asked me questions about my symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. I was impressed by his knowledge and compassion. For the first time in years, I felt like someone truly understood what I was going through.
Dr. Utu reassured me that he could help me overcome my condition. He explained that his herbal remedy was designed to target the root cause of the virus, rather than just managing the symptoms. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try.
Dr. Utu by himself prepared a customized herbal remedy for me, which I took as instructed. The treatment was easy to follow, and I experienced no side effects. I was amazed by the progress I made in just a few days. I have gone for a test in two different clinics since after my treatment and no herpes virus has been detected
I suspected I had Herpes Virus Infection in October last year when a rash appeared in my lower region. I underwent IGM and IGG blood tests and tested positive for HSV2. Researching the problem, I discovered that Herpes Herbal Cleanser by Dr. Utu offered a potential cure.
ReplyDeleteI ordered the cleanser and followed Dr. Utu's prescription for four weeks. After completing the treatment, a blood test revealed that my HSV2 antibodies had dropped below the cutoff level - transforming from positive to negative in just weeks!
To confirm the results, I underwent another blood test recently, which again tested negative for HSV2 antibodies. I'm thrilled with the outcome and grateful for Dr. Utu's herbal remedy.
If you're struggling with Herpes, consider reaching out to Dr. Utu at "drutuherbalcure@gmail.com" for a permanent solution.