Homeopathy helps in treating the urinary tract and the reproductive system of men and women. Organs covered by homeopathy include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and male reproductive organs (testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and penis).
In men, the urinary system overlaps the
reproductive system, and in women the urinary tract opens at the vulva. In
both sexes, the urinary and reproductive tracts are close together, and disorders
of one often affect the other.
The field of action of homeopathy in this
discipline covers a therapeutic action in all reversible conditions and those
in which surgery is not exclusively necessary.
At Aura Homeopathy India we treats the patient
as a whole, individually, taking into account not the disease itself, but the
whole of the person, from emotions, hereditary antecedents, pathological
antecedents, personality, dietary habits, etc.
Homeopathy believes that we are all born with a
genetic predisposition to suffer from certain pathological processes, which
will develop depending on the quality of physical, mental and emotional life.
This helps us to carry out a more preventive
medicine, with the possibility of avoiding the appearance and development of
genetic morbidity and, in the event that it “wakes up”, treating it in the most
natural and innocuous way possible, strengthening the body to achieve
restoration of health.
Urological Disease Homeopathy doctor Delhi India
Traditional medicine acts directly on the organ
or area that presents the disorder, through compensatory action medication.
On the other hand, homeopathy acts on the entire
individual to unblock the area or plane that is causing the signs and symptoms,
through the immune stimulation of the body, so that it is the body itself that
reorganizes the economy and defeats the disease. In this way the person is
immunologically strengthened.
Undescent Testies Homeopathy Treatment
These are
abnormalities in the descent of the testicle that does not reach its place in
the scrotum. Homeopathic treatment concerns individuals who have not yet
reached the age of puberty. The description of the drugs will include,
where relevant, a brief description of the sensitive type.
Best Homeopathy Medicine For Undescent
Testies: Aurum, Clematis ereta, Baryta
carbonica, Berberis vulgaris, Calcarea carbonica
We will describe the symptoms with the
variety of aspects according to the diversity of options of states of the human
being. Homeopathic Medicine is best for Phimosis, Balanitis, UTI, Kidney
stone, epididymitis, etc. Three important signs distinguish the possible
- In the spermatic cords: Spongia
- In the penis: Mercurius corrosivus, Mezereum,
- In the scrotum: Chelidonium, Spongia
- In the testicles: Nux vomica, Pulsatilla
- Foreskin: Cinnabaris, Mercurius solubilis,
Sulfur , Corallium rubrum
- Glans: Arsenicum album
- Scrotum: Croton tiglium, Petroleum
- According to color:
• Colorless secretions: Natrum muriaticum
• Whitish secretions: Natrum muriaticum, Sepia
• Grayish secretions: Argentum nitricum
• Yellowish secretions: Alumina Argentum
metallicum, Mercurius,
Nitricum acidum, Pulsatilla, Selenium, Sepia,
• Greenish secretions: Mercurius solubilis,
Mercurius, Natrum
• Greenish-yellow secretions: Mercurius, Natrum
- According to the consistency:
• Watery secretions: Thuya
• Viscous secretions: Nux vomica
• Mucous secretions: Elaps corallinus, Sepia
• Milky secretions : Natrum
muriaticum, Sepia
• Creamy secretions: Capsicum
• Purulent secretions: Calcarea sulfurica, Nitricum
• Bloody secretions: Calcarea sulfurica,
- According to other aspects:
• Fetid secretions: Benzoicum acidum, Carbo
vegetabilis, Hepar sulfur
• Irritating secretions , acrid :
Argentum nitricum, Mercurius corrosivus
• Abundant secretions: Thuya
For Hypertrophy Of The Testicles
The main drugs are: Aurum metallicum, Clematis
erecta, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Spongia
For Hemospermias
The hemospermias are made up of sperm stained
with blood in more or less abundant quantity. The etiology is rarely a
cancer of the prostate or seminal vesicles. It can mean a bacterial or
viral infection but most of the cases studied lack an explanation regarding the
origin that is normally benign. Homeopathic treatment is only indicated in
reversible cases, after performing paraclinical tests.
Medicines: Cantharis, Causticum, Mercurius
solubilis, Petroleum
They can be congenital or produced by an
acquired pathology and put the internal part of the scrotum in communication
with the exterior. The drugs capable of curing this type of injury are
very numerous and can be found in the perfectly diagnosed
repertoires. Among them are: Iodum, Spongia, Phytolaca
They are small skin tumors that form in the anus
or in the genital organs. Venereal condylomas or venereal vegetations are
pink warts of viral origin that affect the area around the anus and the genital
organs. They can appear in:
- The penis: Cinnabaris, Nitricum acidum,
Psorinum, Sabina, Sepia, Thuya
- The glans: Thuya
- The foreskin: Cinnabaris, Psorinum, Thuya
- The scrotum: Thuya
For Prostate Disorder:
The repertoires provide a large number of drugs
for the prostate, but only some of them are normally used for their marked
Medications: Apis mellifica, Chimaphila
umbellata, Nitricum acidum, Pulsatilla, Terebinthina, Thuya, Viscum album. Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi For Prostate
For Supurations
They are fearsome and feared because their
therapeutic is difficult. We are faced with a problem of
"terrain", a privileged field of action for homeopathy.
Medications: Silicea, Hepar sulfur
For Prostatorreas
They are mucous-type secretions through the
urethral meatus on the margin of ejaculation.
Medications: Conium maculatum, Magnesia
carbonica, Nitricum acidum, Phosphoricum acidum, Selenium metallicum, Silicea,
For Prostate Adenoma
Prostatic adenoma is a benign tumor developed at
the expense of the prostate tissue that surrounds the upper urethra. The
digital rectal examination is of considerable importance in making the clinical
diagnosis and in determining the volume, homogeneity, and consistency of the
prostate. Patients come to the consultation due to urination disorders and
especially if they have hematuria and as an emergency in the case of acute
bladder retention.
- Acute cases: Chimaphila umbelata, Conium,
Digitalis, Histaminum
hydrochloricum, Hoitzia coccinea, Iodum,
- Chronic cases: Baryta carbonica, Calcarea
carbonica, Pulsatilla,
For Phimosis and Balanitis
It is due to the stenosis of the preputial
orifice that prevents the complete retraction of the foreskin to leave the
glans uncovered, actively during flaccidity of the penis, or passively during
erection. Phimosis Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi
Paraphimosis: once the foreskin is retracted, it is not possible
to reposition the foreskin above the glans with the consequent swelling and pain. It
usually occurs in foreskins with some phimosis or infection in the form of
Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis. When the foreskin is also affected, it is called balanoposthitis. Balanitis Homeopathy Doctor India
Medications: Mercurius, Nitricum acidum, Cannabis sativa, Sulfur
With suppuration: Capsicum, Cinnabaris, Hepar sulfur, Mercurius,
Nitricum acidum, Sulfur
Homeopathy For Urination Disorder
Homeopathy For Polaquiuria
Designates an exaggerated frequency of urination that does not necessarily coincide with an increase in total urinary volume in 24 hours.
Diurnal Polish: Magnesia muriatica, Psorinum, Rhus
Nocturnal Polish: Baryta carbonica, Belladonna, Calcarea
carbonica, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Sepia, sulfur
Homeopathy For Urine retention
Urine retention is the total or partial inability to empty the bladder the urine.
- Retention of urine after exposure to cold: Aconitum napellus,
Causticum, Copaiva, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla
- Chronic urine
retentions : Calcarea carbonica, Iodum - Colicky urine retention: Colocynthis, Plumbum
- Painful urine retentions: Cantharis, Causticum, Nux vomica
- Urine retention after exertion: Arnica, Capsicum , Rhus
- Urine retention in children: Aconitum, Apis, Causticum,
Dulcamara, Gelsemium
Homeopathy For Loss of Urine
The loss of urine can correspond to various pathological phenomena.
Here the urination is carried out normally, but there is leakage of urine in some circumstances.
- Loss of urine with movement in general: Belladonna, Bryonia,
Phosphoricum acidum, Phosphorus
- Urine loss when walking: Ferrum metallicum, Hypothalamus, Natrum
muriaticum, Pulsatilla
- Urine loss when running: Arnica, Lac defloratum
- Urine loss when laughing: Causticum, Sepia
- Urine loss when getting up from a seat : Magnesia carbonica
- Loss of urine during an effort: Bryonia alba, Nux vomica
2. Homeopathy For Enuresis Treatment
It is the involuntary loss of urine in a child over 4 years old during night sleep and whose etiology does not correspond to an organic lesion. The treatment requires a prior somatic and psychological examination and complementary technical tests.
- Drugs for behavioral disorders: Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Staphysagria
- Symptomatic medicines: Belladonna, Benzoicum acidum, Causticum, Chlorum, Cina, Equisetum hiemale, Kreosotum, Plantago, Pulsatilla. Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi Enuresis
- Basic remedy : they have a deep and long-lasting action and consolidate the results obtained by the previously mentioned medicines. They are the representative medicines of diathesis and constitutions. Some of them are: Baryta carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Causticum, Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulfur, Medhorrinum