Monday, 11 November 2019
Treating rheumatoid arthritis with homeopathy in India
November 11, 2019Best homeopathy doctor in Delhi, Best homeopathy doctor in India, Best Homeopathy Treatment India, Top homeopathy doctor in Delhi, Treating rheumatoid arthritis with homeopathy in India6 comments

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by pain and acute inflammation of the joints, it can even lead to disability. Aura Homeopathy India offers Best Homeopathy treatments against all the symptoms of this pathology.
The Rheumatoid Arthritis affects mostly female. This disease is the most severe among inflammatory rheumatisms affecting the joints. In most cases, it is disabling and may appear in the age range of 40 to 50 years. But there are rare cases of infantile rheumatoid arthritis and the first symptoms are manifested at an early age. When not properly managed, rheumatoid arthritis can cause joint damage
The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis usually affects the joints of the wrists, fingers and knees. At first, the disease is manifested by the appearance of edema in the joints. In the majority of cases, it is symmetrical, that is to say, the two joints can be touched simultaneously on the same part of the body. We feel a rise in temperature in the affected joint and it tends to flush. The first pains can occur intermittently, but they are stronger in the early morning and at night. The most significant sign of joint inflammation is the persistent, painful stiffness of the joints upon waking, which may fade when a warm tampon is applied or after stroking.
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Aura Homeopathy Treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis
In most cases, rheumatoid arthritis is a diathetic disease, that is, several diseases may appear at the same time with the first symptoms. For example, Luesinum and Tuberculinum homeopathic medicine are usually prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis.
But to alleviate the pain, we can recommend surface treatments with Aurum mettalicum, Phosphorus or Arsenicum Album.
Aura Homeopathy India Management of punctual pain
As in most joint inflammations, rheumatoid arthritis, even under medical treatment, may increase or decrease pain depending on the general health of the patient. At first, pain may stop as soon as you take a few doses of Ferrum phosphorum. But if a pain tends to fade when the body is at rest, treatment with Bryonia is recommended. In case of muscle constriction with pain in the joints, Cimicifuga is indicated. Finally, if the pain can be removed by massage or obliteration, Rhus can be used as Best Homeopathy medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis Pains and climate change
Depending on the season or the weather, it is not uncommon for some patients to experience an outbreak of inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis. When the subject is hypersensitive to the slightest change of time, homeopathy advocates treatment with Rhododendron. Similarly, if the pain is influenced by the change in temperature, it can be reduced with Causticum . In case of pain under the effect of moisture or rain, one can take Dulcamara grains .
When to consult a Homeopathy doctor for Rheumatoid arthritis treatment?
Untreated, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to irreversible disability. It is therefore advisable to consult a Good Homeopathic doctor as soon as you feel abnormal pain in the joints. In case the disease is under treatment, it is recommended to regularly monitor its evolution to determine whether the prescribed treatments are effective or not.
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